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Breathing prayers under celestial beam of light

Prayer for God's Presence

Experience feelings of solitude? Breathing Prayers may be the answer! Find comfort, copious blessings and a deep sense of fulfillment through God's omnipresence.




Prayer for God's Presence

Dear God, our Heavenly Father, in our longing we cry out to You. Only You can fill the void within us with Your divine peace. We yearn for Your presence, hoping that only its warmth will cover and comfort us. You are our hope, Almighty God. Let us experience You personally today and always. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Awareness of God's Love and Presence

In the vastness of our world, Father God, we humbly yearn for a deeper awareness of You. Enlighten us with the revelation of Your unending love, reminding us frequently that You are always present in our lives. Grant us wisdom to realize Your constant paternal affection and guidance even amidst life’s turmoil; to discern Your loving hand resting upon us in every rising sun and falling raindrop. For Your love, oh God, is not an ephemeral whisper in the wind but a tangible reality resonating within our hearts. In prayerful anticipation, may we embrace this profound truth each day. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Discovering God's Purpose

Heavenly Father, in moments of feeling lost, guide us towards the shining light of Your divine purpose. Jesus Christ said, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6); may we become humble children ever seeking this truth. Adrift amongst world complexities, let our hearts discover unparalleled solace in Your sacred wisdom. Encourage us with a renewed sense of hope as we glean a clearer understanding of our roles in Your grand design. We submit to You, Lord, and ask for Your guidance to lead us beyond uncertainty into uncharted paths heavenly ordained for us. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer Pleading for God's Presence and Protection

In the midst of these uncertain times, Your presence is our greatest comfort, High God. We know that even when we do not know what to pray or how to express our fear, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us (Romans 8:26). We cling to this truth in faith, anchored by the certainty of Your unfailing love and protection. Wrap us securely in Your mighty embrace, dispel our fears with Your majestic peace. By faith alone, Lord, we strive towards the waning light amid unyielding shadows; knowing you are our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1). In unity we plead your mercy and protection; forever underneath Your wings shall we find solace and grace. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for God's Companionship on My Journey

Grateful am I, Lord Jesus, for the witness of Your presence in my life. As I embark on this journey, I worship You and year thy holy guidance. You are a lantern illuminating every step of my path. Embrace me with Your companionship, guide me when uncertainty looms large and gift me hope when the road becomes weary. May Your soft whispers in my heart direct my course throughout life’s sunny mornings and stormy nights. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Moses' Prayer for Recognition of God's Presence

Lord, as Moses sought Your miraculous power for a sign, we too yearn for a visible testament of your holy presence. Guide us along the right path, just as you directed your chosen prophet in times past. We acknowledge Your authority, echoing Moses’ recognition in acknowledging our faith; the undeniable signpost of divine direction. We pray that You shine upon us an unfading beacon of Your existence and grace. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for a Grateful Heart for God's Presence

Father, as we stand in awe of Your unceasing presence, we sing praises to Your name. We are grateful for each blessing that You have bestowed upon us. Psalm 107:1 reminds us, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” We fervently thank You today and forevermore. Encourage our hearts to listen more intently to Your voice so we can faithfully follow in your path. With joy and humility, we honor you, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for a Palpable Presence of God in Church

As we gather in the hallowed confines of this church, our hearts brim with expectation. United in community and purpose, we eagerly seek Your holy presence. Open our souls to become keenly aware of You during our worship. Ignite the spark of spiritual awakening within us, instilling a palpable recognition that You are here among us. May each heart resonate with Your divine love and grace, transforming our gathering into a living testimony of Your abiding presence. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for God's Presence to Start the Day

On bended knees, we greet this newly dawning day, filled with anticipation. Heavenly through and through, may Your iridescent glory surround us, a beacon guiding our every step. As we start today’s journey, we humbly ask for Your watchful eyes to be upon us. We pray for Your presence to envelop this day from beginning till end – a divine assurance comforting our hearts. Stay with us, guide us, and let Your glory be reflected in all that we undertake today. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer to Experience God's Presence in My Life

Alive in my heart, sacred presence of Jesus, I approach You with a receptive spirit, wishing fervently to experience your vibrant presence in my everyday life. Strengthen me with Your wisdom, so I can navigate through life’s torrents with hope and resilience. Lord, involve Yourself intimately in each aspect of my being; illuminate my path with Your luminous love and unwavering guidance. In earnest seeking, I yearn for Your encompassing influence to imbue every moment of my existence. May the joy of our communion permeate all I undertake. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer Seeking God's Presence for Reflection

Enveloping stillness beseeches You, Our Fount of Wisdom, as we seek Your presence in quiet solitude. Furnish us with good health to spend time reflecting on Your teachings, fostering our personal growth. May the introspective calm guide us toward understanding and serenity in our hearts. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer Requesting the Comforting Presence of God

In the quietest moment of turmoil, we reach out, seeking Your comforting presence. Amid the tumult on earth, place in us a sense of calm and solace only You can provide. We desire Your love to drown our fears, soothe our hearts, and guide us through these challenging times. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer Invoking God's Presence to Fulfill Needs

Humbly, we seek Your divine intervention in our lives, asking You to listen to our prayers. As our hearts overflow with hope and trust, we earnestly request You to guide us on the path of righteousness towards ultimate fulfillment. Encourage us, oh Lord, to heed Your answer and embrace Your wisdom. Thank you for being the light amidst our struggles. Grant us strength to endure and faith to believe in Your benevolent provision. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Tranquillity in God's Presence

Breathe upon us, oh Lord, your serene peace that calms every storm within. Cover us in the tranquillity of Your sacred presence, a sanctuary where our hearts find rest. Let Your words fill us with harmony and wisdom, a melodious echo touching our soul’s core. With Your right hand guiding us, we are assured of stability amidst life’s uncertain winds. Remain our constant refuge, O Lord, and in Your glorious presence shall we discover true tranquillity. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Comfort in God's Presence During Night Time

Resting in the embrace of night, we seek Your comfort, oh Lord. In the heart of darkness and in the face of uncertain times, we crave Your divine touch. With every whisper of the nocturnal wind and beneath every star’s twinkle, let us feel undeniably cradled within Your arms. Let our apprehensions melt away as we envelop ourselves in the soothing certainty of Your presence. We ask this in Jesus’ name, clinging to hope and longing for comfort. Strengthen our faith under this moonlit tapestry until sunrise’s promise ignites anew. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Strength and Encouragement in God's Presence

Mighty and Most High God, guide us as we walk our earthly journey. Encourage our hearts when we falter, admitting the weight of our burdens. Let not discouragement seize our spirits; instead instil in us a divine strength to uphold us even amidst difficult seasons of our lives. As Psalm 46:1 says, ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’ Attesting this verse Lord, with acceptance, we surrender ourselves unto You. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for God's Presence in Times of Need

In the midst of our desperation and uncertainty, we cling to You, oh Lord. Remind us of Your omnipresence, for we confess that our human strength falters. In Your mighty name, we seek not merely relief but a revelation of Your divine compassion. Instill in us a steadfast trust in Your righteousness for we know the answer lies with You. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for God’s Grace During Transformation

Insurmountable challenges, we embrace, bathed in Your blessed light of grace. As chaff separates from grain under heedful winds of change, we undergo our transformation. Through it all, we thank You for illuminating the path to wisdom – a testament of Your boundless love and benevolence. For it’s through such transformation, steeped in Your grace, that growth blossoms and resilience shines brighter. We remain basking in the eternal glow of Your divine light. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Revelations of God's Presence in Christ's Name

In the awesome magnitude of Your presence, heavenly Lord, we stand in adoration. In Jesus’ name, our Savior, we pray to feel and comprehend the depth of Your divine existence within us. Reveal to us, O God, how intimately woven You are into the fabric of our lives. Make us aware always of Your encompassing love and life-giving grace. Open our hearts for revelations that strengthen our faith and draw us closer to You. For in recognizing You entirely, we find absolute peace. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now