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Man on his knees in a dimly lit room, praying passionately with uplifted hands

Supplication Prayer

Find your path to spiritual solace with these supplication prayers. Whether it's peace, wisdom, or divine intervention, you'll find a prayer that aligns with your needs. Perfect for daily reflections or timely needs.




Prayer for Seeking God's Mercy and Supplication

God, in my times of distress and hardship, I ardently beg your mercy. Pour upon me the unending springs of Your grace. Now more than ever, I find strength in knowing it is You who hears my desperate supplication prayer. With faith and trust, Lord, guide me through these trials. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Divine Supplication

In my humble plea, I seek Your divine supplication, O Most High. Standing amidst the storms of life, I witness a myriad of challenges, questions and doubts. It’s my fervent prayer thus: grace me with wisdom to discern all my needs and lead me by Your guiding light towards solutions for all my problems. Provide hope when despair knocks and peace when chaos ensues. You are the unchanging truth, and your interventions in my life are proof of your lovingkindness. Thank you for being ever-present in times of need, always listening to our prayers. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Supplication Against the Forces of Evil

Bless me, Dearest Lord, as a good steward of your infinite grace. Bestow upon me an impervious shield against evil and its sinister plots. Recalling how Your protection guarded King Darius from peril, I request the same divine intervention in my life. Shine Your goodness manifest in my existence, casting long shadows over lurking vice. Wrapping myself in your loving embrace is my fervent supplication against evil. With utmost faith, I pray for both spiritual armor and cleansed resilience from you. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Thanksgiving and Supplication

Heavenly Father, while I bask in every little blessing You generously sprinkle upon my days, I want to express my intimate prayer of thanksgiving. Indeed, as Ephesians 5:20 says “Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything…” Never do all my requests go unnoticed nor unrewarded. My heart swells with gratefulness for Your mercy and boundless love. May my every humble petition be duly rewarded. In faith and thanksgiving, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Supplication for Unbelievers

May the spirit of truth touch their hearts, O Lord Jesus Christ. Enlighten them to submit to your words and will, giving way to understanding and belief. In great fervor, I ask this prayerful supplication for unbelievers; let me evangelize Your gospel and serve as a conduit of Your divine love.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Supplication for Blessings

Holy Jesus, source of all blessings, let your favor overflow unto the lives of my loved ones and me. Nurture our heart desires and strengthen our bonds that we might duly follow your will. We yearn for a good relationship with our heavenly Father. Hear this fervent supplication for blessings, we humbly plead. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Supplication for Cleansing and Purity

Merciful Father, as I struggle with sin, envelop me in your supplication for cleansing and purity. I earnestly seek Your proper direction and urge You, through Your Son Jesus Christ, to forgive my transgressions. Shield me from the clutches of the hellfire, purify this heart of mine, and set it ablaze with an undying faith in You. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Supplication of Hope and Faith

With a heart abounding in faith, I approach You, Lord. Ignite in me the Holy Spirit – ethereal beacon of hope and absolute trust. As you have proclaimed in Psalms 91:4, You are my refuge and fortress; so let the promises you made spread wings to shelter me. Such is my supplication of hope and faith to You, God. As sure as the dawn breaks each morning, Your steadfast love never ceases. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Supplication of Peace

Gentle Christ, as we navigate through our worldly lives, we yearn for the Supplication of Peace you bestowed upon us in the Bible. Amidst the chaos and confrontations, may your enduring peace strengthen us. Let it reverberate from our hearts, extending across this world, inspiring unity and magnanimity. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Supplication of Rewards and Goodness

Beloved parent of infinite goodness, I humbly ask for Your light of wisdom to guard my steps in life. I beseech You to enrich my soul with the best virtues and yield positive rewards in our encounter. Despite the wonder that might cease or terrible judgments I may face, strengthen my conviction to eschew actions that could receive huge curses. Empower me by the supplication of rewards and goodness, ensuring my heart keeps beating with fervent devotion towards You always.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Supplication for Wisdom and Understanding

Drawn towards Your unfailing love, O Lord, I am. “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” This I treasure, from Proverbs 2:6. Illuminate my heart with this divine wisdom as I navigate through life’s special assignments. Shed light on Your Word, ingraining it into my conscience, that I may be primed with understanding in all facets of life. Grant me the discernment to stay rooted in Your truths, steadfast in faith amidst storms. Your comfort is my sanctuary before these requests—a supplication for wisdom and understanding worthy of You—are fulfilled. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Supplication to Pursue Clean Riches

Arise within me, O Lord, a profound desire for clean riches; those honed not by deceit but by earnest toil. Shower upon me your abundant grace, enabling the pursuit of wealth untarnished by sin. As surely as I am rooted in the soil of this earthly home, compel me unto paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Aid my journey towards honest prosperity; that is my supplication and my humble quest. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Supplication for Jesus to Act

Dearest Jesus Christ, I implore you with a humble heart to intervene in the situations that consume our lives. As your devoted follower, I fervently beseech your divine intervention in our circumstances. Jesus, tell us your plans, guide us with your wisdom, and empower us with your strength. We trust you completely, acknowledging all things work for good for those who love you. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Supplication of Our Hearts Desires

Lord of Heaven, as the Psalmist sang in Psalms 37:4 ‘Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.’ I find myself echoing this resounding call. I seek Your goodness, divine benefactor, yearning for You to hear the supplication of our hearts desires. In earnest vein, afford me the grace to live successfully according to Your plan. Bestow with love, my fervent wishes that echo in the chambers of my heart. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Supplication for Giving Due Honor

O Sustainer of my soul, instill within me the wisdom to fulfill my duties as a good steward. Shower thy grace upon me in giving due honor, without fail, to Lord Jesus Christ—He who deserves it well above all. In your hands, I commend my earnest supplication for giving due honor. May I live according to your holy virtues, Oh Divine Architect of Existence.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer of Supplication for a Good Parent

Gracious Father, I seek Your divine wisdom and guidance on this sacred journey of parenthood. Instill in me the best virtues that exemplify a good parent; patience, understanding, compassion, and forgiveness. Strengthen my relationship with my children and grant it and me, your humble servant, the due reward of love and harmony. This supplication for a good parent I put forth to you in fervent faith. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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