St. John the Baptist Prayer
In need of a lifetime-changing miracle? Look to Saint John the Baptist for assistance. Offer praise and pray for the divine grace to be accepted.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to St. John the Baptist for a Miracle
O Blessed Saint John the Baptist, I turn to you in need of a miracle. You have been such an incredible example through your faithful commitment to God and virtuous lifestyle. Your courage in proclaiming the truth of salvation displays true holiness.
I humbly ask that you intercede for me before our gracious Lord so that He may grant me my request for a divine miracle that will bring healing and rejuvenation into my life. In doing this, I offer you praise and thankful aplomb for your presence on earth. Through Jesus Christ, I pray that this special grace is accepted as a humble gesture of kindness for myself—Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. John the Baptist for Protection
O Glorious Saint John the Baptist, I kneel in your presence and humbly pray for your protection. You were filled with grace even before you were born, and this grace found expression in the right words when you spoke of Jesus’ arrival. O holy saint, hear my plea as I ask that you protect me from evil forces that wish to hurt me or cause harm. Grant wisdom so that I may discern which paths to choose so that these bad influences have no power over me whatsoever. Holy Saint John the Baptist, Please watch over me and always keep calm upon my soul. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. John the Baptist on His Feast Day
O most zealous Apostle, St. John The Baptist, on this day of thine commemoration, I humbly bow down and thank thee for abiding steadfastly faithful to thy Lord Jesus Christ till the end. Blessed be thy name! Others draw back in fear when challenged by the wicked and dissolute life, but thou didst rebuke them with thy heavenly doctrine, thereby leading many souls who had been led astray by vice back to innocence and holy life. Through thy martyrdom, the Lord has granted us everlasting salvation that we may devote ourselves solely unto Him without any earthly goods holding us back from doing His will joyfully. Pray for us now that through austerity, penance, and interior recollection, we may practice Christian mortification, obtain spiritual joy, and overcome human respect. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
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