Our Lady of Grace Prayer
Invoke Our Lady of Grace and experience her grace and mercy! Unfailing love and divine mercy await you through her Miraculous Medal.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer Our Lady of Grace for a Miracle
O Blessed Virgin Mary, refuge of sinners and gracious dispenser of God’s divine graces, I come to you humbly seeking a miracle to offer consolation in my hour of need. Hail Mother Mary, full of grace, merciful queen, and loving dispenser! I have heard your immense wisdom and goodness can move mountains where human misfortunes leave us unaided. All praise to the heavens for offering me this safe haven in which to hope again! Pour forth your immense goodness on my soul with an outpouring of love so that I may be blessed with a miracle that turns my despair into joy. To you, I offer all my confidence; through Christ our Lord, Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer Our Lady of Grace on Her Feast Day
Today, on the Feast of Our Lady of Grace, I come before her in humble reverence, asking for her grace and protection. As I pause for a moment under the marquise that marks her entrance into our lives and graces us with divine mercy, I know that when all is said and done, it is to Mary we turn, trusting in her unfailing love. Thank you, Blessed Mother! To honor this day dedicated to Our Lady of Grace, I invoke upon my life the powerful presence of her grace, knowing that under Mary’s guidance, all graces are possible.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
I sing the praises of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal! Mother Mary, in thy grace and mercy, I turn to you for protection and ask that you bless me with your love. May this blessed medal constantly remind me of our bond and serve as my shield from evil. Be with me always, beloved Virgin most pure; keep me close to thee at all times in life so that I may depart from this world, arising unto Your tender embrace and accompanied by Your grace.
O Merciful Dispenser and Most Holy Mother, share with us your divine word incarnate: Jesus! Hail Mary full of grace! Blessed Art Thou among women, great is thy faith for believing despite the tests left unaided before Thee. Glory be to the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ his Son our Lord God; through Him, the Holy Spirit will always endure within us to soothe our suffering souls in these dark days on Earth as it was in Heaven above when they existed as one name only: Holy Trinity.
We ask this with full confidence in Your infinite love, O Most Holy Virgin! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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