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St. Agnes Prayer

Embrace the divine comfort of St. Agnes prayers: strengthen your faith, purify your soul, and experience the miracles of the celestial martyr.




Prayer to St. Agnes for Fertility

Heavenly St. Agnes, I humbly come before you with my deepest desire for fertility. Please intercede on my behalf and ask our loving Lord to bless me with the gift of motherhood. Grant me patience, strength, and faith during this journey. May your holy example inspire me to trust in God’s divine plan for my life. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for Chastity and Purity

Glorious St. Agnes, virgin and martyr, I beseech thee by thine intercession to help me maintain my purity of heart and walk firmly in the faith which animated thee from thy tenderest years. Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, through the merits of St. Agnes, grant me thy heavenly grace to shun pleasures that stain my soul and keep our holy faith inviolate. I pray for us all, that through your intercession, we may obtain the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting from Almighty God. Hail Mary! Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for the Preservation of Innocence and Purity in Children

Glorious Saint Agnes, invincible martyr, and pure virgin, I humbly beseech thee to intercede for the innocence and purity of our children. Through thy grace, may they be preserved from all harm and stain of sin. O courageous maiden who faced the unclean flame with unwavering faith in Jesus Christ, please obtain for us a living faith which animated thee throughout your blameless life. Eternal Father, through the merits of Saint Agnes’ martyrdom, grant our children strength to resist earthly temptations and seek only your heavenly kingdom. Hail Mary, full of grace; pray for us that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ. With thy confidence in God’s help, glorious Virgin and Martyr, keep our holy faith strong and guide us towards a life everlasting with Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for the Protection of Young Girls

O glorious St. Agnes, virgin and martyr, I humbly seek your intercession for the protection of young girls everywhere. Through your purity and courageous faith in Jesus Christ, you triumphed over earthly temptations and the impious Roman prefect who sought to destroy you. I ask that you pray for us, that we may follow your example of a blameless life filled with love for Almighty God. Bestow upon us the grace to resist worldly desires and maintain the purity of our hearts with unwavering confidence in God’s help. Hail Mary, invincible martyr! May your crown obtain for us the gift of eternal life through your powerful intercession before the Eternal Father. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for Courage and Strength in Suffering

O glorious St. Agnes, courageous maiden who didst merit the martyr’s crown by thy purity and faith, I beseech thee to intercede for me. Cast thine eyes upon my struggles and help me bear a favorable witness to Jesus Christ in my sufferings. Almighty God, through thine intercession, grant me strength and courage to endure my trials with a living faith that animated thee from thy blameless life. May the burning love for Jesus Christ that preserved thee in purity of heart be granted unto me as well. Hail Mary, full of grace, obtain for me the grace to seek eternal life above earthly things and the crown of eternal glory thou didst earn. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for Intercession Against Rape and Assault

Oh, St. Agnes, virgin and martyr, I come before you with a fervent heart seeking your powerful intercession. Protect me and all women from the heinous acts of rape and assault that plague our world. Grant us the courage to stand against injustice and the wisdom to seek help when needed. Through your example of purity, faithfulness, and courage, inspire us to be strong in our convictions and to trust in God’s divine mercy. St. Agnes, be our guiding light in times of darkness and despair. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for the Healing of Sexual Abuse Victims

Dearest St. Agnes, virgin and martyr, I come to you in my time of need with a humble heart, seeking your intercession for the healing of sexual abuse victims. By your courage and purity, you overcame the evils of your time, and I ask you now to bring this same grace to those who have suffered so greatly. Please guide them in their journey of healing and restoration, so that they may find solace in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. May they feel your tender protection, and find strength in their faith to overcome their pain. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for the Gift of Virginity

Dearest St. Agnes, I come before you today with a fervent heart, seeking your intercession as I celebrate the precious gift of virginity. Guide me in my journey to uphold my purity and live a life that honors God’s intentions for me. Strengthen my faith and devotion, and protect me from temptations that may lead me astray. May your example inspire me always to seek the will of the Lord with humility and love. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for the Protection of the Unborn

Dear St. Agnes, I come before you, seeking your intercession and protection for the unborn. By the glory thou didst merit, obtain for us the grace to defend innocent life. Almighty God preserved thee from harm, and through your purity of heart, you bestow upon us the strength to uphold what is right and just. As you faced martyrdom with unwavering faith in Jesus Christ, inspire us to have that same burning love and living faith that animated your soul. Pray for us, dear St. Agnes, that we may bear a favorable witness to our beliefs in all aspects of our lives. Hail Mary, full of grace, strengthen our resolve to protect the unborn and grant them a chance at eternal life. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for a Happy and Holy Marriage

O St. Agnes, favored witness to us from almighty God, I humbly seek your intercession for a happy and holy marriage. Bestow upon us life-long faithfulness to one another, the purity of thy heart, and the crown of eternal life. May we spend a blameless life together, always seeking the favorable witness of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Through your example, teach us to be steadfast in our faith and open confession of Jesus. Help us to resist temptations that may stain our purity and destroy the sanctity of our union. Inspire in us an unwavering devotion to fair virtue and a sincere love for one another, so that we may be rendered pleasing in the eyes of Almighty God. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for Fidelity in Relationships

Oh St. Agnes, thy purity stained by none, protect me in my relationships, and guide me to remain faithful and true. Help me destroy any temptation that may come my way, so that I may uphold the sanctity of thy kingdom. May your martyrdom for Jesus Christ bear favorable witness to us, as we strive to follow the lily of thy purity in our love. I pray for the strength to spend a blameless life with my partner, seeking the Almighty’s forgiveness for any transgressions. Please intercede for all Christians sincerely desiring to maintain fidelity, and teach us not to seek honors but to render ourselves pleasing in His eyes. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for a Husband

Dearest St. Agnes, I seek thy intercession for a loyal and loving husband, as my heart yearns for the joy of a shared life. May thy martyrdom and devotion to Jesus Christ inspire our union, and may Almighty God grant us the forgiveness that rendered thee so pleasing. Guide me in spending a blameless life with my future spouse, as Christ sought to destroy all that separates us from His love. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes to See Husband in a Dream

Dear St. Agnes, cherished martyr and pure-hearted saint, I come before you with a fervent heart, seeking your intercession. I humbly ask for your heavenly assistance in revealing my future husband in my dreams. Please be my guide and inspiration as I put my faith in the Lord’s plan for my life. Grant me patience and understanding, and open my heart to recognize the love that God has destined for me. Through your powerful intercession, may I grow closer to Christ and experience His divine love in all aspects of my life. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for Guidance in Choosing a Spouse

Dearest St. Agnes, with a heart full of devotion and faith, I seek your heavenly intercession as I search for my future spouse. Please illuminate my path and guide me toward a partner who will help me grow in love and holiness. As the patron saint of young girls and chastity, protect my heart from being misled by temptation or deceit. Grant me discernment to recognize the person that God has prepared for me, so together we may serve Him and honor our sacred union. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for the Courage to Defend the Faith

Dearest St. Agnes, beloved martyr and patroness of those who defend the faith, I humbly ask for your intercession. Grant me the courage and strength to stand firm in my beliefs, even in the face of adversity. Fill my heart with love for God and His teachings, so that I may become a beacon of hope and inspiration to others. Protect me from the temptations and doubts that may arise, and guide me in my journey towards a deeper understanding of my faith. With your help, may I continuously strive to live a life that glorifies God and serves as a testament to His divine love. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for Spiritual Growth and Maturity

Oh, St. Agnes, humble servant of our Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you seeking your intercession for my spiritual growth and maturity. Assist me in destroying the sinful desires that hinder my relationship with Almighty God. Through your powerful intercession, may I obtain the forgiveness and grace to grow closer to our Heavenly Father. Guide me, dear St. Agnes, in following the path of righteousness and purity, so that I may become a true reflection of Jesus Christ’s love and mercy. May my heart be aligned with God’s will, and my actions reflect His teachings. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for the Grace to Imitate Her Virtues

Dearest St. Agnes, with a heart full of love and devotion, I humbly seek your intercession. Help me to imitate your virtues of purity, humility, and steadfast faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. You remained strong and unwavering in your commitment to God despite the trials and persecutions you faced. Please grant me the grace to remain focused on our Heavenly Father’s will, even amidst life’s challenges and uncertainties. May I always trust in His divine plan for me, just as you did during your earthly life. St. Agnes, please pray for me that I may grow closer to God each day, living a life worthy of His love and mercy. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Agnes for Hair Growth

Dearest St. Agnes, patroness of young girls and protector of hair, I come before you today with a humble heart and fervent devotion. I ask for your intercession in my journey to grow strong, healthy hair. With faith, I trust in your heavenly assistance and your unwavering compassion for those in need. Please guide me in caring for my hair and help me to find the patience and perseverance required during this process. May my desire for beautiful hair not only enhance my outward appearance but also strengthen my inner confidence and self-esteem. Through your intercession, may God’s grace be upon me as I embrace this journey. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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