Our Lady of Good Remedy Prayer
Find solace in prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy, a powerful intercessor for financial aid and heavenly guidance in difficult times.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for Miraculous Healing
Heavenly Mother, Our Lady of Good Remedy, I come before you with a fervent heart, seeking your powerful intercession for miraculous healing. You, who have been known to provide aid and comfort in times of great need, I entrust my afflictions and sufferings to your loving care.
In the 13th century, when the Trinitarian Order sought help to free Christians held captive by Muslims, you generously provided the necessary funds for their release. Just as you showed immense compassion to those in bondage, I humbly ask you now to intercede on my behalf, and bring about the healing I desperately need.
Through your maternal love and guidance, may I find solace and hope in my time of suffering. Grant me the strength to endure my trials and the grace to trust in God’s divine plan for my life. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for Financial Assistance
Most Holy Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Good Remedy, I humbly call upon thee to extend thy maternal care to needy children who depend on your unfailing help. As the Virgin Mary handing sustenance to Saint John of Matha, guide me to enjoy health and prosperity. Dear Lady of Good Remedy, please grant me thy compassionate assistance in my time of need. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for Peace of Mind
Dear Mother, Our Lady of Good Remedy, I call upon thee to extend thy maternal love and unfailing help to me, a humble devotee. Thy compassionate heart has provided remedies to the needy children who depend on thee. As the patroness of those in financial need, I trust in your divine intercession to bring peace and solace to my troubled mind. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for Family Unity
Blessed Our Lady of Good Remedy, I come before you with a fervent heart, seeking your powerful intercession. As the patroness of those in need, you have offered solace and hope to countless souls throughout the centuries. Today, I ask for your help in strengthening the bonds of unity within my family.
Guide us, dear Mother, as we strive to foster love, respect, and understanding among our family members. May we always turn to you in times of trial, trusting in your boundless compassion and wisdom. Our Lady of Good Remedy, I humbly entrust my family to your loving care, confident in your ability to bring healing and harmony to our lives. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for Protection From Harm
Gentle Mother, Our Lady of Good Remedy, I come before you with a fervent heart seeking your powerful intercession. As the patroness of those in financial need, you understand the struggles we face in this world. I humbly ask for your protection from harm and the dangerous situations that surround me. May your loving presence always be a source of comfort and strength, guiding me safely through life’s challenges. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for the Strength to Overcome Temptations
Our Lady of Good Remedy, you who miraculously provided sustenance for St. John of Matha and his fellow religious brothers in their time of need, I come before you with a humble heart. Please grant me the strength to resist the temptations that surround me and the wisdom to recognize the snares laid by the enemy. I ask for your intercession and guidance, so that I may remain steadfast in my faith and grow ever closer to your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for the Gift of Perseverance
O caring Mother of Good Remedy, I humbly call upon thee to extend thy maternal love and intercession as I beseech thee for the grace of perseverance. Blessed Virgin Mary, under this title, you have aided in freeing Christian slaves from the slave markets and continue to be our unfailing help. May I, your beloved daughter, be inspired by your example to seek reconciliation and grow in Christian fortitude, faithfully serving our Divine Redeemer and the world alive. Holy Virgin, pray for us and guide our hearts toward a more careful observance of the Blessed Trinity’s teachings. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for the Courage to Witness to the Faith
O Queen of Heaven, Our Lady of Good Remedy, I venerate thee as the tender and caring mother of all mankind. As the sacred vessel that bore thy Son, I call upon thee to extend thy maternal protection to those in need, especially to the Christian women enslaved by the Christian slave trade. Through thy intercession, may we find the courage to witness to our faith and support the fund-raising efforts to free thousands of suffering souls. Grant us, O Holy Mother, the grace to follow in the footsteps of the Blessed Trinity and remain faithful to our special intentions. Hail Mary, full of grace, be with us always. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for a Miracle in Times of Despair
O Loving Mother, Our Lady of Good Remedy, chosen mother of the Incarnate Word, I humbly call upon thee to extend thy maternal protection over me in my time of despair. Thou art a source of unfailing help in this broken world, having freed thousands of Christian slaves through thy treasury of miracles.
Guide me, Dear Lady, towards a more intensely Christian lifestyle and a patient resignation to the will of the Most Holy Trinity. Through thy compassionate heart and thy intercession, may I find solace and strength in the love of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for the Grace to Accept God's Will in All Circumstances
Gracious Lady of Good Remedy, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your intercession in times of need. O Mother, you have been known to aid the needy children and free Christian slaves, revealing the power of your unfailing help and compassionate love.
Blessed Mother Mary, I call upon thee to extend thy maternal guidance and protection as I strive to accept the will of the High God in every circumstance. Immaculate Spouse, may your example strengthen my faith and bring solace to my soul. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy for the Fulfillment of Our Heartfelt Petitions
Holy Mother, Our Lady of Good Remedy, Queen of Angels and Saints, I humbly come before you, seeking your intercession for the fulfillment of my heartfelt petitions. I trust in your boundless mercy and grace, as you have been the refuge and support of countless souls throughout history.
I am inspired by your miraculous appearance to St. John of Matha, where you provided sustenance and shelter for those in need. Through your divine intercession, I implore you to grant my fervent petitions, strengthen my faith, and guide me on the path of righteousness.
In your great compassion, Our Lady of Good Remedy, graciously hear my prayer and help me to obtain the graces necessary to live in accordance with the will of your Divine Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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