Our Lady of La Vang Prayer
Embrace hope and solace with Our Lady of La Vang prayers, guiding you on a spiritual journey with the Blessed Virgin Mary's divine protection.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang for Comfort in Suffering
Dearest Our Lady of La Vang, refuge of the afflicted and comforter of the suffering, I come before you with a humble and fervent heart. As you appeared to the persecuted Vietnamese faithful amidst the La Vang forest, you brought solace and strength to their weary souls. I beseech you, Mother of Mercy, to intercede on my behalf as I endure my own trials and tribulations. Grant me the grace to bear my burdens with faith and courage, trusting in your unwavering love and compassion. May I find rest in your tender embrace, Our Lady of La Vang, and emerge from my suffering with renewed hope and devotion. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang for Healing From Illness
Heavenly Mother, Our Lady of La Vang, I come before you with a fervent heart, seeking your intercession. As the refuge of the sick, you miraculously appeared to Vietnamese Catholics persecuted for their faith, offering them hope and solace. I humbly ask you to hear my plea and heal me from my illness, just as your loving presence healed those who sought your guidance. Nourish my body and soul, allowing me to serve the Lord with unwavering devotion. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang for Protection From Persecution
Dear Jesus, I come to you in the humble presence of Our Lady of La Vang, who appeared to the Vietnamese in their time of suffering. Blessed Mother, intercede for me and all the Vietnamese, that we may be protected from persecution.
Holy Father, in your infinite mercy, grant us the courage to stand firm in our faith like the many Catholics who witnessed the Lady’s appearance amidst suffering. Let me grow like the indigenous fern that thrived where the Blessed Mother appeared.
Lady of La Vang, I trust in your loving intercession, for you are the refuge of women, men, and children in distress. With your help, dear Jesus, free us from all danger, and lead our souls to eternal peace. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang for the Conversion of Hearts
Dearest Jesus, I come before You and seek the intercession of Our Lady of La Vang, who appeared to the Vietnamese people in their time of great suffering. Blessed Mother, with your loving embrace, you comforted the faithful and healed their physical ailments. As John Paul II honored you, I now ask for your essential spiritual guidance to help convert the hearts of all who are lost in sin. May the love of the Father’s house and the Christ Child within thy womb bring everlasting grace upon us. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang for Courage Amidst Adversity
Dearest Our Lady of La Vang, I humbly come before you seeking strength and courage in these challenging times. I implore your intercession to grant me unwavering faith in facing adversities with grace and resilience. As you lovingly watch over your faithful devotees, may your divine guidance illuminate my path and keep fear and doubt at bay. Our Lady of La Vang, I trust in your motherly protection and love, that I may always remain steadfast in the service of the Lord. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang for Strengthening the Catholic Church in Vietnam
Beloved Our Lady of La Vang, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your intercession for the Catholic Church in Vietnam. You appeared in the La Vang forest in 1798, during a time of great persecution, and provided comfort and strength to the suffering faithful.
Today, I ask for your powerful presence to continue guiding and protecting the Church in Vietnam, so that it may flourish and spread the Gospel. May your loving light shine upon the hearts of all, inspiring faith, hope, and unity in Christ. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang for Peace in Vietnam
Dearest Lady of La Vang, I come to you with a fervent heart, remembering how you appeared to the Vietnamese people during the darkest hours of the Vietnam War. Clothed in a long cape, you offered them comfort and hope at the simple chapel in Quang Tri. Blessed Mother, intercede for all Vietnamese, so that peace and moral values may flourish in their land. May the Holy Spirit guide them toward unity and healing. La Vang pray for us, as we strive to follow your Son, Jesus Christ, in heaven. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang for the Miracle of Healing
Blessed Mother, Our Lady of La Vang, I come to you with a heart full of faith and love. In the La Vang region, you appeared to Vietnamese Catholics, offering hope and healing during the darkest days of persecution under the Nguyen Dynasty. Immaculate Heart, I implore your aid in my time of need, seeking the miracle of healing for my body, mind, and spirit. Holy Mary, intercede for me with your dear Son, Jesus our Dear Lord, that I may find rest and peace. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang for the Grace to Trust in God's Providence
Dear Mother Mary, Our Lady of La Vang, you appeared to the Vietnamese faithful during their darkest moments of persecution, offering them strength and solace in the midst of the terrible suffering they had to endure. As I turn to you now, Holy Mother, I ask you to help me have faith and trust in the providence of God. Guide me along the path of righteousness, and grant me the grace to overcome the challenges and temptations that I face in this world. In the name of your dear Son, Jesus Christ our Dear Lord, I pray. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now