Santa Muerte Prayer
Seek comfort, find guiltless vengeance or gratitude in an array of Santa Muerte prayers. Navigate adversity - revamp your spiritual connection player by player.

By: Editorial Team
Santa Muerte Prayer for Health
Beloved Santa Muerte, with a votive candle as our guide in these times of global pandemic. We turn to you in prayer, with hearts heavy and bodies weak from sickness. We respectfully ask for your healing powers to wash over our entire body, vanishing sickness like smoke in the wind.
With God’s Permission, we plead for renewed strength and resilience. Thankful we are for the life He gave us thus far, comforted knowing His love never fails – “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1.
In our solemn silence, hear our spirit pray to you Santa Muerte. Grant health back into our lives as we yearn to embrace life fully once more.
Humbly we pray under your watchful eye, hopeful and grateful for your aid. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Santa Muerte Prayer for Thanks
In white robe, before your power and all-encompassing presence, we stand in gratitude, oh Holy Death. We hold this candle to honor each favor granted by you, and with reverence, we lay it on your altar. In retrospection of the past blessings received, our words falter as they scarcely convey our immense appreciation. Speak they must however – expressing a tale of profound thankfulness for your unparalleled intervention. With this humble prayer streamed by relieved hearts, we seek to reflect the light you’ve bestowed upon us in our darkest times. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Santa Muerte Prayer for Forgiveness
Benevolent La Santa Muerte, bearer of the divine majesty and our intercessor to God, we beseech your mercy. With a humble heart and a black pen filled with regret, we inscribe our past transgressions on the parchment of forgiveness. Shield us from the ignoble allure of evil as only Your miracle can free us. Pray for us to the saints, la Santa Muerte, so that as persons, we may unshackle from our past and live anew in His divine grace. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Santa Muerte Prayer for Justice
Holy Santisima Muerte, I implore your divine intervention in the world of both the living and the dead. As Mexico faces a desperate plea for justice, I lay my concerns before your altar, seeking fairness and righteousness. You who walked with Jesus, remember His words in Matthew 5:6 – “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” During this court process, mobilize your spirit of impartiality amidst us, ensuring that the scales do not tip inequitably. As our last hope of harmony between the living and dead rests on you. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Santa Muerte Prayer for Court
Spectrum of Death, you who are known as the Narco Saint and Bony Lady; as I stand on this precipice of uncertainty, my words echo within your statues. In the face of impending judgement at court, I am anxious, yet hopeful. My account is genuine; look kindly upon me so my truth may shine. Blessed La Santa, hear me now.
Draw me nearer to your power, harmonizing with the religious movement that accentuates belief in life after death. As it says in Proverbs 21:31 – “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.”
Grant steadfastness to my son during this trying period. May we emerge victorious just like those who found solace under your dark cloak in trials past.

By: Editorial Team
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Santa Muerte Prayer for Revenge
Tainted folk saint, Santa Muerte, grim reaper with a history steeped in magic and blood, I seek your path. I am a person wronged, ignited by righteous anger, indignant at the injustice bestowed upon me. I pray unto You: Speak my cause to the heavens! Deuteronomy 32:35 states “Vengeance is Mine”, but today, Almighty, make it ours. Let revenge be our shared journey; may they rue the day they crossed paths with me. A ruthless requital awaits them – as merciless as Your blade. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Santa Muerte Prayer Night
As night settles over New Mexico, I turn my voice to you, skeleton saint, Santa Muerte. With your cloak of holy spirit, wrap us in a protective veil throughout the world and guide our path towards eternal life. Under your steadfast gaze, may the souls of our loved ones find shelter in the motherly embrace of Mary. We entrust ourselves into Santa Muerte’s kindly regard as we journey closer to dawn. Fortify us with your love as we sleep peacefully under your vigilance. Into your hands, we commend our slumber; securing our faith that whilst we lie dormant through these hours of darkness, You will watch over us. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Santa Muerte Prayer for Understanding Latin American Culture
Glorious Santa Muerte, shrouded in mystery and revered as the Aztec goddess, we beseech You. Epitomized by Your skeletal figure, a silent testament to the enchanting Latin American culture that birthed You. Imbue us with the spirit of introspection and respect, igniting a passionate fire within us to delve deeper into this vibrant cultural legacy. Bestow upon us the wisdom to comprehend its intricacies and appreciate its beauty manifest through Your devotional presence. Guide us through its labyrinthine past, molding our understanding as we navigate its rich vein of customs, myths, and beliefs. In Your sacred name we ask this. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Santa Muerte Prayer for Divine Power
Lord of the night, yearning I stand before You, seeking Your divine presence that marks the universe’s every fold. My heart echoes with earnest desire for the great power You unfurl. By the sharp tip of the Aztec maguey leaf, may courage cut through my fears and strength pierce my doubts.
May Your potent whispers guide me as I navigate life’s relentless waves. Remind me that, like the resilient maguey, despite adversities and pain, I too can birth sweetness and life. Cloak me in Your celestial might; govern my spirit and fortify my resolve.
In this profound intimacy with you, Santa Muerte, drenched in your ethereal radiance. Let me not falter but find power in our sacred exchange. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Santa Muerte Prayer for the Dying
Mother of Silence, Santa Muerte, hear our plea from the cold shores of Canada. As we stand amidst the dying and the fallen leaves of our years, your comfort surrounds us in our final hours. Your macabre touch, both chilling and comforting, guides us through these solemn moments. Guide our spirits through this process; lend tranquility to our hearts as we embrace the cycle of life and death informed by research performed under Thy watchful gaze. ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me’ (Psalm 23:4). Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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