Prayer Before Confession
Seeking tranquility for a truthful confession? Experience divine solace with soul-stirring prayers weighted in faith and hope for perfect absolution.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer for Confession of Faith
Gracious Lord Jesus Christ, in all earnestness and solemnity, I humbly confess before You all my sins which have offended Thee deeply. Gracious Virgin Mary, Dearest Mother Mary, intercede on my behalf as I seek God’s grace for contrition. Dear God, by Thy Grace and through the intercession of Blessed Angels, grant me true sorrow for my sins. Bestow upon me strength to make a firm purpose of amendment and courage to confess sincerely. Through Your divine Mercy and accepting my act of contrition, reinstate me into grace, oh Lord. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer Before Confession to the Holy Spirit
Divine Holy Spirit, in regretful submission, we approach Thee. Your poor sinners have strayed from the path of righteousness by not observing the ten commandments, succumbing to venial and mortal sins. In humility, we plead for Thy guidance as we confess our evil ways with a contrite heart. Determined to offend Thee no more, we seek strength in penance. Amidst our sin and sorrow, there lies a hopeful plea for forgiveness and redemption. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer Before and After Confession
Dearest Jesus, in the silence of my heart, I bare my many sins before You. With true sorrow and a commitment to make a good confession, I implore Thy mercy. As it says in Psalm 86:5, ‘You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you.’ After confession, my soul brims with gratitude for your eternal love. Merciful God, thank You for transforming my sinfulness into redemptive grace. Dear Jesus, continue working within me every day; sanctifying my soul. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer During Confession
Blessed Virgin Mary, I approach this confession as a lost sheep returning to the fold and a prodigal son retreating home. As the most miserable sinner, I acknowledge that all my sins are my own fault. With a contrite heart, I beg for Your divine assistance in this confession with the priest. Like the prodigal son, I pray for mercy from Your divine Son. Good Jesus, guide me away from mortal sin and breathe new life into my soul through this sacrament. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Opening Prayer for Confession
Almighty God, in humility we stand before You as penitent sinners; miserable in our failures yet yearning for true contrition. O Blessed Virgin, immaculate mother, help us to go to confession with sincerity and a firm resolve for a good life. We plead for Your mercy and the powerful intercession of the saints. Under their watchful gaze, may our confession receive an abundance of grace and that we may be forever united with You. For only You can save sinners like us. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Clarity and Guidance During Confession
Lord Jesus Christ, we approach Your divine heart in a spirit of humility and gratitude. Begging for clarity and guidance, we earnestly ask for grace as we make a good confession, exposing our failings before Your infinite love. As we acknowledge our sins, transform us dear Jesus, so that in transgressions past we may find a guidepost to future virtue. Hear our plea, Oh Lord, grant us the strength to overcome temptation and lead an upright life henceforth. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now