Yemaya Prayer
Wade into the waters of abundance found in Yemaya's guidance. Ask her to protect you and bless you with hope, understanding, and peace.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to Yemaya for Protection
O Yemaya, guardian of the seas and all souls! I come to you for protection. Guide me and guard me against harm’s way. Let your wisdom bring safety to my path as I journey through life. Protect my loved ones, family, friends, and foes alike from the danger that could befall them. Bless obstacles within our paths with peace & understanding while standing against the evil intentions of those who oppose us with strong walls of defense. Let me turn to you when I feel in times of danger or despair so that you may lighten the load on our shoulders and restore peace within our lives. All praise goes to You, O Yemaya, Queen, Mother, and Protector!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Yemaya for Pregnancy
O Yemaya, maternal deity of compassion and blessing. You are the glorious mother of an infinite sea, providing abundance for all who seek your divine grace.
I come to you seeking a blessedly safe pregnancy with a healthy baby. I humbly pray that your protective presence will ensure successful conception, smooth gestation, and an ideal delivery process for my beloved one day soon. May we feel your love radiating from us during this beautiful journey! Ashe.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Yemaya for Help
O Blessed Yemaya, goddess of the sea and protector of all women! I come to you in desperate need. Please, grant me your aid.
I ask for strength to face troubles beyond my power. Protect me from harm and allow me to arrive at a place of healing with grace. Bring clarity towards finding a solution that will fill my heart with hope. Help guide me as I take actions bold enough to walk this journey of self-discovery without fear.
O Yemaya, thank you for listening and blessing us with hope when we needed it most!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Yemaya for Love
O Yemanya, I come to you in prayer and faith. Queen of the seas, protector of oceans and rivers, abundance bringer, ruler over love: please hear my plea.
I offer up my devotion as I ask for your guidance in love matters. Open my heart to receive and show me how to recognize true love when it comes into my life. Be with me as I step forward on this journey that may lead me straight into someone’s arms or far away from them. Let your will be done! Ashe!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Yemaya for Money
O Yemaya, goddess of the waters and protector of my soul! I come to you with a humble heart in need of help with money. Your abundance fills the oceans deep and brings life to all on Earth. May your generosity extend far beyond its depths; allow me your blessings so that I may find financial freedom when despair hangs heavy over my head. To you, I am devoted as long as it takes for me to feel secure within these walls again. Thank you for providing shelter from these storms, O great Mother Yemaya.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Yemaya for Healing
O Yemaya, I come before you to humbly ask for your healing power. My heart is heavy with the pain of illness, and my mind is clouded with worry and fatigue. Please guide me to a path of health and well-being. Offer me strength so I may be restored to vigor and live in peace. Give me comfort in times of hardship and deliverance when I am warding off sickness.
Your grace brings wisdom, love, joy, marvels, miracles – all that can make our lives richer; please extend it upon my suffering heart now, O Yemaya! Guide me toward peace on this difficult journey filled with challenges too hard to bear alone. Help me rediscover balance while restoring health into my soul so I may connect deeply with the life around me again.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Yemaya Cleansing Prayer
Oh, Merciful Mother Yemaya, divine mother of the seven seas! I come to you for cleansing and purification. With reverence and faith, I offer myself to your healing waters that wash away impurities.
In your compassionate embrace, may I be cleansed of all negativity and faults so that I may stand before you as a person of integrity. Restore my spirit with new hope so I can serve humbly beneath your heavenly guidance. May joy manifest in my life through the strength of my soul purified by You, great Yemanya!

By: Editorial Team
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