St. Michael the Archangel Prayer
Seek the divine protection of St. Michael, the valiant warrior who fought Satan and the wicked angel. Defend yourself with holy strength!

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to St. Michael for Family Protection
O Saint Michael the Archangel, beloved protector and defender of my family, I implore your mighty intercession on our behalf. You who fought against proud angels and wicked dragons to defend God’s people with holy strength and boldness, now come to our aid in this spiritual battle! Defend us from the most crafty enemies that seek our ruin and perish those who stand against us. Let your divine essence shine upon us, for we seek solace in you alone, oh valiant warrior saint! Grant us a border of defense, so my loved ones may endure life’s trials with courage and faith, knowing they are always under heavenly beatitude. May we forever praise your name as the glorious prince of all angelic choirs! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to St. Michael for Personal Protection
Oh, Most Noble Prince, Saint Michael the Archangel, I beseech thee to defend my life from the wickedness and snares of the devil. Be my personal protection against the evil spirits that wander through this world for its ruin. I humbly pray for thy aid in doing so by the power of God. It is said that thou art brave and bold enough to thrust him back into hell. Grant me strength too, so that I may resist his tempting allure with heartfelt affection towards you, Oh Glorious Prince! May Almighty God grant us victory over these dark powers and safeguard us in our celestial battle. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Michael for Home Protection
Dear St. Michael the Archangel, I humbly implore your divine aid to protect my home from evil. Thou art valiantly defending us with courage and strength by overthrowing Satan himself! Thou art our defender and prince of Heavenly Hosts. I know that with thy mighty sword, you defended faithful souls against the rebel angels and defeated the dragon’s poisonous flames. So now it is with faith in thee, dear Lord St. Michael, that I ask for your protection over my loved ones and possessions in this house that God created for me to dwell upon forever! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Michael for Protection Against Enemies
O Saint Michael! You are the mighty archangel who leads the heavenly hosts in combat against evil. No enemy can stand before you, and your strength is incomparable. I entrust my life to you, oh Holy Prince, of divine power and protection against enemies! As a zealous lover of God, protect me from the most crafty adversaries and expel them permanently with your immaculate lamb-like mercy. May the same battle that glorified you be a shield for me so that no wickedness or snare touches me ever again! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Michael Against Evil
O St. Michael the Archangel, valiant prince and defender of heaven’s legions, I call upon thee to protect me against the wickedness in this world. God has entrusted you, the noblest prince, with strength and courage to resist all spiritual enemies that seek the ruin of souls. Thou hast fought and conquered even the proudest angels and driven them into perdition with thy own hands! Be my shield against all the evil spirits as I humbly pray for deliverance from their cruel grasp. O glorious Archangel St. Michael, defend me in battle! May your mighty sword smite down my primeval enemy who laid impious hands on God’s most sacred possessions. Oh, invincible prince, may I be filled with eternal glory for trusting in you! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Michael for Police Officers
O Archangel St. Michael, valiant prince and warrior of God’s army, I humbly pray to you to protect all police officers within our community. Grant them courage and strength to persevere in their dangerous work that is crucial for protecting the lives and safety of others. Be their shield from danger as they face turbulent waters throughout their service; may your intercession bring them security even amidst strife and chaos. May each officer be blessed with true wisdom in carrying out their tasks bestowed by You, O Holy Angel! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Michael for Healing
O Glorious Archangel St. Michael, I respectfully implore your aid in my healing. Throughout your faithful service to God, you have protected humanity from the ungodly works of wicked spirits and the ancient serpent. Your courage and bravery in defending us in battle were inspiring. I, therefore, entrust my frail body into your everlasting care so that with the guaranteed mercy of our Dear Savior Jesus, I may be healed and recover to do His will again. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Michael for Love
O Holy St. Michael the Archangel, divine defender and intercessor of the faithful, I humbly plead your assistance in my quest to receive love. Give me the courage to open my heart with zeal and make space for loving relationships. Please grant me the strength to withstand any fears or doubts arising on this journey. May your mighty protection comfort me as I rejoice in all forms of heartfelt connection offered by grace from above. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Michael Before Bed
I kneel before you, St. Michael the Archangel, as I humbly pray for protection and guidance before bed. Shield me from any harm as I peacefully drift off to sleep. As the patron saint of soldiers, protect and guide me whenever I’m in danger. May your immense courage fill my soul with divine strength and power as I lay in bed for the night. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Michael After Mass
O beloved Archangel Saint Michael, I humbly beseech thee to guard my family and me after this Mass in the holy church. Protect us from all wickedness and snares of the devil; grant us strength to rebuke him with courage. May thy mighty power from the Heavenly Hosts defeat Satan and his evil minions who roam around corrupting souls. To Thee Holy Church Glories forever! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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