Prayers to the Angels
Ask for heavenly blessings from the Holy Angels and be lifted in spirit to follow your path to true love with their divine mercy and valorous protection!

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to the Angels for Help
O holy Angels, I humbly beseech thee for help in my time of need. Almighty God has tasked you with the protection and guidance of humankind, so I pray to you now. My spiritual enemies have become more powerful than ever before and are assaulting me unceasingly. O invincible Princes of Heaven and Gracious Heavenly Hosts, please save me from my bondage! Call upon your divine word to combat the forces of evil, as only a wretched sinner like myself can appeal to such noble princes as yourselves. Lord Jesus Christ declared that whoever believes will be saved; let your wings enfold me with god's love and truth so that I may fight the rebellious angels that seek to destroy the human race. Hearken unto my call, oh watchful protectors! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to the Angels for Love
O Holy Angels, noble warriors of God forever, I humbly pray to you for the strength and courage of love. As a devoted servant of your almighty power, I ask for a heavenly host of blessings that will lift my spirit and help me follow the path toward true love. Guide me with your wings, O Holy Trinity, that through your valorous protection, divine mercy may be mine in all my life that lies ahead. Bless this sacred union with eternal glory and heartfelt affection, so no crafty enemies nor infernal abysses may interfere with our last struggle. May you be my watchful protectors and zealous lovers, for I trust in your divine power that God's love commits the perfect and inviolable union. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to the Angels for Healing
O Holy Host of Angels, I pray to you with great zeal for healing. Thou art the Guardians and Protectors sent from God to me. Let thy wings guard and saturate me in comfort; let thy strong arms ensure a swift recovery. May thy Holy Spirit guide my health back to holiness, encouraging strength eternally through your guidance and divine providence. On behalf of all heavenly forces - Lord declared - rebuke any rebels trying to cause harm or ill will against my physical wellness. O Invincible Princes, grant me divine healing from this affliction! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to the Angels for Protection
O watchful protector, Guardian Angels, and Holy Spirits. I humbly seek your divine protection and guidance in these dark times. Help me stay brave and faithful to all that is sacred, noble, and just. May you grant me the power of courage to fight against evil forces of wickedness so no harm may come upon me and those I love. O invincible Princes of the Heavenly realms, God rebukes those who are bent on destruction around us! Let us remain safe with your care through steadfast devotion to one God only! Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now