St. Longinus Prayer
No challenge is too great for Saint Longinus! Call upon His intercession and ask for courage, strength, and fortitude on life's journey.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to St. Longinus to Find a Lost Item
O most glorious Saint Longinus, patron of those near-blind and far-sighted alike, I humbly turn to you in this time of distress. I have lost an item that is dear to me, and I seek your divine guidance so I may find it again. Through the unparalleled power of faith, let me not look for but come upon the item – found suddenly by your wise hand alone. Bless me with a clearer sight, so this lost thing may gracefully return to me through the almighty touch of thy presence despite my ordinary vision. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Longinus for Love
O St. Longinus, I come to you in supplication, looking for your intercession on my behalf. All-powerful Lord, bring love and grace into my life with all its related components of peace, trust, joy, and compassion. Let me cherish the inner beauty in those around me even as Your beloved martyr St. Longinus found the strength to remain true while suffering the tyranny of Nero’s rule long ago. Aid me through Your divine mercy in finding lasting love that will warm my heart and be an example of unconditional loyalty like His own devotion to You! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Longinus for a Miracle
O great Saint Longinus, disciple of Jesus and soldier who pierced the side of our Lord with a lance, I come to you in supplication. I beg your intercession for a miracle in my life. Grant me courage, strength, and fortitude on my path, so I may persevere through these trying times. Your pious faith never wavered upon beholding the blood and water from Christ’s side – may You bring forth a similar unwavering faith within me. Through your kindness and mercy, deliver this extraordinary favor so that all glory may go to God alone! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Longinus to Get a Job
O Glorious Saint Longinus, you were a soldier who experienced the power of Christ’s passion firsthand. I come before you today, humbly pleading for your grace to shine upon me and guide me toward gainful employment. Please fill my heart with courage and confidence so I may find my place in this world and prove myself to be a worthy asset at work. Help me procure the best job that suits my passions, one that will bring appreciation and satisfaction to both employers and myself. Let our mutual faith in divine mercy bring success into my life! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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