St. Lazarus Prayer
Entreat St. Lazarus' mercy & divine protection for your animal friends. Follow his example of compassion & see miraculous healing come to life!

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to St. Lazarus for Healing
O Saint Lazarus Miraculous, patron saint of health, I beg for your ever-valuable mediation to help me in my time of need and find relief from my health issues. Blessed be your glorious Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who have allowed us to know you as an example of divine protection and infinite mercy. Dear Saint Lazarus, with all my faith, I ask that you may hear this prayer for swift healing so that I may achieve peace through a new life blessed by our Good Jesus. Please bring me joy and hope through the power of your many miracles – especially those done on behalf of dogs – so that I may bless You with all my heart! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to St. Lazarus for a Sick Dog
O Glorious Saint Lazarus, in your infinite compassion, I humbly beseech you to intervene on behalf of my sick dog. Please help restore the health and well-being of my beloved animal companion, who has been suffering. Grant us divine assistance to surmount our difficulties and alleviate any pain or distress they may be enduring through this trial, as you did when Jesus Christ asked that you come forth from the tomb with your life renewed. Therefore, I ask that you share your mercy upon my pet and invoke miraculous healing. We shall have faith by following in your footsteps, for it will always outshine even death itself! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Lazarus for Animals
O Lord Jesus Christ, Divine Master, and Holy Protector, I come before You in humbleness to seek help for our animal friends. Many of these creatures can experience poor health and sorrow, for which I ask St. Lazarus to intercede with Your Eternal Father on their behalf. You tell us that even the lowliest creature is precious in Your sight; how humbled and blessed we are to share this Earth with them! May sweet words fill their ears as pet owners show special care towards them — especially dogs and other companions – due to St. Lazarus’ example of compassion given so long ago. Protect all animals from sickness or suffering; grant us hope and blessings through Him who was raised from death by Your resurrection’s power. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Lazarus to Find a Lost Animal
Oh, Blessed Saint Lazarus, I come before you in need of your miracle. Under your divine connection with animals, I pray for help finding a lost animal that is very dear to me. With faith and devotion, I place my trust in your divine grace so that my beloved pet will be returned safe and sound. Kindly pour out miraculous healing for the body and soul of all living beings through your intercession – especially those who suffer like dogs on the streets. O dearest Saint Lazarus, work one of thy mercies which won thee such fame when thou lived on earth and receive this prayer with thy gracious attention; now hear us, oh sweet saint! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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