St. Bridget Prayer
Are you on a spiritual path seeking guidance? Discover profound peace with powerful prayers of St. Bridget and fill your heart with divine grace and solace!

By: Editorial Team
St. Bridget Prayer Apostolate
Eternal Father, in Thy divine and brotherly love, we find solace. In times of doubt, when it feels as though Thou hast forsaken us, we look to Saint Bridget. As she embodied the teachings of Jesus Christ with steadfast dedication, guide us to follow Thy commandments faithfully. Behold thy Mother’s enduring sacrifice and carry us through trials with the strength that Thou didst suffer in Thy precious death. Inspire us, oh Lord, to live and love with the same fervor You exhibited during Your life on Earth. In Saint Bridget’s intercession, may we discover our path towards devout discipleship under Your eternal support and guidance. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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St. Bridget Prayer Promises
Great Thou art, who wast betrayed, mercy is sought. We humbly confess our failings to Thy Eternal Father, appealing for the cleansing of mortal sin that besets our souls. In penitence we cry out as Thou didst cry in anguish. Strengthen us with grace enduring as Thou didst endure the cross and grant us faith. Look upon us with a glance as tender as the one cast on Thy Holy Mother whom Thou didst entrust with Your unending love. Into your hands, we commit our spirit, seeking forgiveness and blessings beyond measure. Faithful we remain to Your call until the end of our days. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer of St. Bridget for the Souls in Purgatory
In Thy mercy, redeem all the poor souls trapped in the bitter agony of Purgatory with Thy adorable blood, O Divine Lord. Thou didst taste death, so Thou couldst understand their suffering. Remember when thou didst foretell of your holy humanity and sacrifice—enlarged thy wounds for our transgressions. May this memory move You to release them into Your compassionate embrace. We plead fervently to You, bestowing grace upon these wandering souls. In Your boundless love, hear our prayer and have mercy on them. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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St. Bridget 12 Year Prayer Work of God
Holy Father, hail Mary, in times of trial thou wast buffeted. Yet persevering with faith thou gavest thyself wholly to the Heavenly Father’s service. We beseech Thee, inspire us, Thy faithful disciples, with similar endurance. May we too withstand challenges as holy priests serve Your Divine Purpose unwaveringly. Through verdant pastures and stormy seas, may we remain dedicated to Your Work and our faith steadfast. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to St. Bridget of Ireland
St. Bridget of Ireland, we implore thy intercession for strength in our feeble hearts. Thou didst expire with courage, your wounds bearing a testament to your devotion. Behold thy Son, as He protected You amidst trials. Grant us the armor of your garments, granting us resilience like the steel within thy bones that tormented thee but never broke you.
We seek protection through you – “The Lord is my strength and my shield” (Psalm 28:7). Relieve our fears and bolster us with hope, through your powerful intercessory prayers, dear St. Bridget of Ireland. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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St. Brigid Prayer for Healing
Broken by sickness and enveloped in pain, we draw upon thy heart that was once broken. In the sacred echo of holy masses, we ask for your healing touch, St. Brigid. Remember us in the precious blood of thy body, poured forth from thy sacred passion to liberate the nation thou hadst chosen – it’s us who are now ailing. With hope embedded deep within our hearts, we plead for your divine intervention for our healing and restoration. In faith and confidence, we implore You as a beacon of our future health and strength. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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St. Bridget 1 Year Prayer
As we recall, in contemplation, thy holy wounds inflicted upon thy sacred body, a pang of mournful yearning engulfs us. We remember thee lord Jesus, in thy youth so full of promise, now witnessed in body withered by the undeserved punishment. A commemoration of your passion floods our hearts with a peculiar mix of sorrow and reverence. Daily we shall reflect on each wound, each scar on thy head as a testament to Your boundless love for us. Grant us strength to honor Your sacrifice throughout the coming year. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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St. Bridget 15 Prayer
Surrounded Thee with sorrow, Lord, we gaze upon Thy face justly irritated, acknowledging Thy sufferings in the Passion and Death. Being appreciative of Thy beloved mother and disciples who stood by Thy side, may our sorrow mirror Thine. Thou wilt turn our hearts in devotional reverence towards You, revealing the depth of Your love. In gratitude for this revelation, we humbly pray. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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St. Bridget Prayer of Abject Humility
Grieved and downtrodden, beneath the heavy weight of despair and solitude, Thy children call out to Thee, dearest Heavenly Father. Pierced with pangs akin to when thy friends abandoned Thee, we find ourselves in an echo of Your divine anguish. Though Thy enemies assail us relentlessly, we beseech Thee for comfort in our tribulation. In ritual with the words of Psalm 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength,” may these enduring truths provide solace in our deepest night. Animate within us a spirit of holy resilience borne of Thy infinite compassion. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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St. Bridget Prayer of Divine Praise
Oh Immortal and Invincible King, we exalt Thee in profound admiration. Wrapped in boundless awe, we praise Thee forever, baring our souls in heart-felt reverence for Thy Divinity. May Your divine glory radiate eternally upon Your name, shining through the ages. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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St. Bridget Prayer for the Fearful Heart
God above, to You, we who fear thee turn for comfort. When darkness encroaches and fears assail us, Thou shalt illuminate our path with Thy benevolent grace. As a guardian dost enfold the innocent in safety, so too we seek Your all-encompassing embrace. Let not our hearts quiver in dread but find hope in Your unfailing protection. Fill us with reassurance and guide us away from trepidation towards a future crafted by Your loving hand. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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St. Bridget Prayer for Saintly Intercession
Graciously, thou hast shown favor upon thy humble servants, reminding us how truly blessed art thou. Thou didst complain bitterly at our failures; yet in humble recommendation thou didst forgive and steer us to thy saints. With pleading hearts, filled with reverence and hope, we seek their intercession for guidance and strength. May their saintly lives inspire us closer to Thee. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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