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Prayer of Quiet

Experiencing turmoil or demand for stillness? Discover serenity via prayers of quiet for healing, solitude with God, inner peace, & considerate neighbors.




Prayer for Quiet Time With God

Gracious Father, in the stillness of our spiritual life, we humbly seek You. Gift us, dear Lord, with a quiet and receptive soul to bask in Your divine presence. In this special moment of solitude, let peace prevail and understanding flow as we delve deeper into prayer to hear Your truth gently whispered within us. May our hearts find delight and joy in every beat resonating with Your plan for us. Guide our paths toward the radiance of life’s ultimate truth: You. Amidst the clamor of this temporal world, allow us to grasp tightly onto that joyous serenity found only with You. Hear our prayer, Oh God; let it rise like incense before you edifying our life and pleasing Your heart. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Quiet Trust

In the active life of worldly affairs, Lord, we often lose course. Just as Teresa referred, guide us to find perfection in surrendering our desires to You. Make us capable of embracing stillness and peace in this bustling world. Through the practice that St. Teresa followed, let it serve as a beacon for the path ahead. In quiet trust and reflection, we lean on You with faith unshaken as just men would do. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Quiet Reflection

In the depths of my inner being, within this interior castle, lies the fourth mansion where the spiritual marriage blooms. As I examine the contours and rooms of my soul’s citadel, ineffable blessings overflow. The heavenly water begins to flow, granting spiritual sweetness in a supernatural state found through quiet reflection. Oh, what an incredible gift it is to experience such grace! An inner dilation of soul experiences that envelops me in gentle solace. Lord, guide me to truly comprehend Your extraordinary love offered through this heavenly water. With a humbled heart, I yearn for more moments of introspection and contemplation centered around You. In quietude and calmness may I immerse deeper into our spiritual union. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Quiet Mind

Calm our outward senses, oh Lord, as we seek refuge in Your tender care. Like a child at a mother’s breast, let our body willingly surrender to the serenity of Your presence. We turn our fears and doubts over to You, humbly seeking understanding of what is happening around us. May the words of Psalm 46:10 guide us: “Be still, and know that I am God,” instilling peace in the faculties entrusted by You. As we begin this deep meditation, grant us unwavering focus towards You; allow full union between mind, spirit, and truth. Silent are other two faculties at this moment — time and desire — resonating solely in divine harmony with Your will. Abide with us through this communion, imbuing every heartbeat with meaning derived from Your everlasting love. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Inner Quiet

Quietly, our soul enters the realm of greatest peace, setting forth on a sacred journey towards delight and serenity. Through introspective contemplation, we unite with Your joyous presence, realizing the tranquil whispering of our own essence. Lord, provide us with the divine ability to explain the writing scripted in our hearts. Enclose us within Your love as we become attuned to this essence – an enduring testament to peaceful existence. Guide us into harmonious equilibrium where introspection blooms and silence reigns supreme. In You, we find solace, tranquility, and unrivaled peace. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Quiet Neighbors

Holy Ghost, we beseech Thee to imbue our neighbors with understanding, facilitating a surrounding of passive recollection. As Teresa states, allow all the faculties- memory and realization included- to experience such a night of tranquility. In this wonderful journey through silence may we find a comforting calmness within, resulting in peaceful coexistence with our neighbors as each person values respect for the other’s peace. Let us remember Thy Word: “Love thy neighbor”. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Quiet Bliss

Eternal Comforter, who speaks to us in the stillness, our spirits are lifted towards You. Just as the Psalmist once proclaimed, “Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.” (Psalm 32:7), we too trust in Your divine promise of quiet bliss. We feel incredibly joyful and grateful knowing that even in solitude there is an undercurrent of Your love and presence. By Your grace, produce ineffable blessings within our hearts and minds. These moments of quiet reflection reiterate the feeling that we are never alone but continually held in your loving arms. May this peaceful silence not only bring contemplation but also hope for brighter tomorrows. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Quiet Mysticism

Whispering secrets of the divine, we embark on our mystical journey with an intrigued spirit and a curious heart. Striving to understand and be acquainted with the subtle whispers of Your sacred presence, we pledge dedication to this uniquely silent quest for deeper connection. Our souls are stilled, awoken and exhilarated by this quiet mysticism which draws us closer to You. May this profound silence illuminate our path towards You always. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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St. Teresa's Prayer of Quiet

Gentle St. Teresa, guide us into the profoundly peaceful depth of quiet prayer as you once discovered in your blessed solitude. Help us surrender to the embrace of God’s Love, allowing His tranquility to percolate through our souls. Teach us to find peace in silence, and clarity in calmness as we echo your devotion. May we discover, as you did, the melodious symphony of Love that resounds within the silent vaults of our hearts. In earnest reflection, let us be absorbed into this divine serenity. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Quiet Conversations With Jesus

Eternal Savior, Jesus, in the hush of my sacred silence, I yearn for our intimate dialogues. As Your voice murmurs softly within my heart, Your wisdom and guidance become my beacon. My soul seeks these quiet conversations where You console and uplift me. In spilling my worries, doubts, joys and hopes unto You, I find a sacred bond forged in truth and understanding. May this divine connection always flourish as it nourishes my spiritual journey. Jesus, continue to speak softly into my very soul where Your counsel belongs. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer of Quiet Words

Beneath Your divine watch, we gather in stillness and silence. With hearts echoing quiet words of reverence, we seek illumination in our solitude. Allow us these words to form a path toward You, O Lord. For it is through our careful whispers that Your presence is felt, the gentle murmur within us proclaiming faith and devotion. In this silent space between beats of our hearts, etch Your wisdom deeper within us. In a world marked by cacophony, let our souls sing silently to You with deliberate adoration. Surrounded by the hush of unwritten words, find solace in knowing You hear even the softest utterances of our spirit. Grant us peace beyond words and love beyond measure, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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