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Prayer for Victim to Bullying

Seek peace amidst being bullied? Ease your pain with powerful prayers designed for strength, healing, and courage against bullying. Transform adversity into resilience.




Prayer for Courage Amidst Bullying

Almighty, fortress in perilous times, lend me Your strength as David faced Goliath (1 Samuel 17:45). Embolden me amidst affronts, let fear not rule my heart. Remind me of Your Divine assurance, fostering a spirit of bravery against bullies. With You as my shield, I rise, unbroken and defiant. You are my refuge; I will not be overcome! Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Comfort and Peace for the Bullied

O Divine Comforter, we lift Your child who is now cornered by the unkindness of bullying. Embrace them in Your soothing presence; let them find refuge and serenity in You. We beseech You, Merciful Healer, to mend their bruised heart and spirit. Fill their life with love that transcends all fear and hatred. Foster resilience within them, God of Enduring Hope, enabling them to emerge stronger from this crucible of pain into a newfound peace. We place our trust in Your limitless compassion and unfailing love—In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Protection From Bullies

Heavenly Guardian, in the face of these present trials, we implore Your mighty protection. Amid our tormentors─those bullies who seek to harm us─insulate us with Your radiant shield of care. Master of Mercy, lend us strength and imbue confidence within us. Unveil their ignorance so that bullying finds no host. Instill in our hearts trust in You: our unwavering bulwark against harm. In Your divine arms lies our safe haven, a refuge unbroken and forever secure. Subdue their malice by illuminating their hearts with empathy and understanding. We entrust ourselves entirely to Your loving vigilance, pleading for safety and sanctuary under Your watchful eyes. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Self-Love Despite Experiencing Bullying

Precious Father, guide me on the path to self-love; may I bathe in the sunlight of Your benevolence, despite the clouds of hostility. As stated in Psalm 139:14, You have marvelously created me. Let me see myself through Your eyes, unrestrained by bullies’ hate; striking a balance between tears and defiance. Uphold me in worthiness and truth unwaveringly. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Wisdom in Handling Bully

Merciful Father, as Your humble servant, I come before You draped in a quiet strength. Guide me, Lord, through the intricate labyrinth of hostility and harsh words; illuminate my path with Your wisdom (James 3:17). Quicken my understanding and grant me discernment to respond effectively whilst holding onto my dignity. Bless me with resilience like Job, reflecting Your grace amidst the storm (Job 1:22). Fill my heart with the peace embodied in “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9), so that none may witness strife in our interactions but the embodiment of your sacred teachings. As I face this trial, let it not harden me but mold me into an instrument of Your perfect love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer Against the Spirit of Bullying

Mighty Transformer, You who commanded, “Let there be light,” (Genesis 1:3), I now stand in defiance against the spirits of torment and bullying wreaking havoc upon our world. The battle is not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers (Ephesians 6:12). Bolster my heart, God, commandeering my words as weapons of love, turning oppressors into allies. Through Your transforming power, shatter this caustic cycle, introducing a new era of kindness transcending human understanding. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Intercessory Prayer For Victims of Bullying

Benevolent Savior, in Your infinite kindness, behold those innocent hearts battered by cruel words and soul-crushing actions. We humbly intercede for the victims of bullying; crying out for divine intervention. Grant them courage, Lord, to face their tormentors with unyielding spirit; provide a safe haven for their suppressed voices. Tear down walls of intimidation, replacing them with pillars of self-assurance and dignity. Let Your limitless love overshadow their pain, instilling hope amidst despair. May we echo Your empathy and gospel of love effectively to battle this heartbreaking plague. In Your holy name we seek this mercy, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Healing After Bullying

Gracious Creator, in the stillness of Your presence, we seek solace. As You guided Job through his trials (Job 23:10), guide us clear of the shadows cast by torment and intolerance. In Your love, nurture our wounded senses of worth; mend what is fragmented. Ignite again within us a flame that embodies courage and self-esteem, burnishing away the sooty remains of affliction. Bestow upon us an armour forged in resilience, to shield against further cruelty. Transform our pain into strength like Jeremiah’s clay in the potter’s hands (Jeremiah 18:6). We ask for healing and restoration – from ashes to beauty – through Your grace alone. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for REsilience Through Bullying

Eternal Defender, in your boundless kindness, bless us with resilience—instill within us a flame, relentless and unyielding. May our spirits echo the strength of eagles that soar and defy the storms above (Isaiah 40:31). Embolden us, as David was emboldened before Goliath—not defeated by the size of the challenge but emboldened by faith in You. Turn their hurtful deeds not into harmful wounds on our souls, but reminders of our strength. As we forward march through valleys shadowed by derision and ridicule, light up our paths—lead us forth from wayside stones to stepping-stones. Shield us with Your power, strengthen us with Your love. Let us derive inspiration from Joseph who rose above his tormentors (Genesis 50:20), assuring that what they intended for evil, You use for good. Guide us along this route to resilience. Forgive those who trespass against us as we strive to extend forgiveness towards them (Matthew 6:14). May we rise after every fall—unbroken—echoing the exuberance of overcoming; poignant reminders of how You craft diamonds from pressure and pearls from irritation. With audacious hope and unwavering faith in You Lord, grant unto ourselves defiant spirits that are shatterproof against the onslaughts of words or deeds meant to belittle us. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for the Bully’s Transformation

Gentle Shepherd, we reach out to You, pleading for Your healing touch on the bully’s tormented soul. Help them see life through lenses of empathy rather than resentment, trading fists for forgiveness. Transform their hearts, Lord—replace the stone with flesh. Breathe anew the spirit of understanding and compassion within them. May Your infinite love guide their wayward steps towards a path of kindness and patience. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Justice Against School Bullies

Divine Judge, we stand before You, burned by the flames of torment ignited by school bullies. We beseech You in righteous anger and fierce love for these victims – defenseless sheep among snarling wolves. Stem this ceaseless tide of abuse, instill fear and remorse into hardened hearts. Unmask these perpetrators in Your shining light of Justice. Advocate for our children’s peaceable kingdom where the lamb may play free from predatory influence. Hold us steadfast, cradled in Your unyielding arms of Truth and Resolution, protecting the innocent from such affliction. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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