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A weakened elderly man on a bed, a solitary beam of light cascading over him while an open window portrays a serene sunrise over the horizon

Prayer for Someone Dying

Turn to these comforting prayers for someone on the verge of death, words to convey support, peace, and strength during life's most difficult time.




Prayer for Eternal Rest

Eternal Father, in Your profound mercy, may You guide our dying brethren at this challenging juncture. Grant them, O Merciful God, the comfort and peace for which they yearn. As declared in Revelations 21:4, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.” May your eternal rest grant this dying soul serenity and ultimately bestow upon them the gift of everlasting life. This we beg in Your almighty name, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Great Bodily Weakness

Ah, Living God, You who know my state of great bodily weakness, grant me Your divine strength. As my physical form waivers, it is Your love that remains steadfast. May You bless my remaining days with tranquility and peaceful death, for in your mercy we dwell. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for the Forgiveness of Sins

Dearest Almighty God, infuse Your divine mercy into the heart of this dying person and erase their sins. As they ready themselves to meet You, cleanse their soul, in readiness for the eternal journey. I plea for Your immense compassion, so they may find peace in their final hours, absolved of all guilt or fear. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for a Peaceful Death

Oh, my only Lord Savior, the fount of pure compassion, look tenderly upon your children in their final hours. Please afford them the grace of a peaceful death, merciful God. Let their spirits be swaddled in Your divine comforts, tranquillity descending upon each cherished dying person under Your infinite care. Reassure them with Your unending love as they embark on this ultimate journey unto You. In Your name and through Your mercy, I fervently pray. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Faith and Hope

Gracious God, as shadows stretch out and mortality becomes more apparent, strengthen our wavering faith. Instill in us an unyielding hope that transcends human understanding, reminding us of the eternal life promised by Your benevolence. Amidst this transition from earthly life to an eternal one, embolden us to embrace Your divine plan with trustful surrender. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Dying Loved Ones

Gentle Lord Savior, we come in humble prayer. We invite Your presence among our beloved ones suffering the pain of bidding farewell to a life on its twilight. Bestow upon them strength, serenity, and courage as they tread this agonizing path. While their hearts may break at the impending loss of a dear one transitioning from life to life everlasting, let them find solace in Your promise of eternal peace and reunion. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Transition to Afterlife

Lord Jesus Christ, our divine mediator, I humbly implore for your ineffable mercy upon this dying person. May they, in their final advent, find solace in the comforting embrace of Almighty Father. Reassure them that in Your presence awaits indescribable peace. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Comfort During Grief

Father in Heaven, during this difficult time of mourning, kindly guide my grieving process. The departure of my loved one has left me frail, and your gracious promises are now more crucial than ever. As I lay my beloved to rest, whispers of death hover still; yet I seek solace and strength in You. Shower me with comfort and peace as only You can provide. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Strength and Courage

In Your mighty power, Almighty Maker, I humbly prostrate, seeking strength and courage for one amidst their final earthly moments. May they feel your resounding love our Tender Shepherd, gaining courage in the face of life’s ultimate transition. Bestow upon this dying person, unyielding fortitude to encounter what lies ahead. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Holy Journey

Beloved Holy Mary, radiant star of heaven and queen of the angels, I humbly beseech your grace for this dying person. May they be surrounded by all the angels, guiding and comforting them as they embark on their final journey towards life everlasting. Infuse them with faith, courage, and peace as they navigate this sacred passage. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Someone Dying in Hospice

Heavenly Father, envelop this dying person in Your tender love. Merciful God, with Christ Jesus by our side, we humbly ask for peace, moving with grace into life everlasting. Holy Mary, intercede on behalf of your child; may the Holy Spirit afford them comfort. Lord Jesus Christ, our only Lord Savior, bestow the gift of eternal life. In unity and respect we pray. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Someone in Hospital on Their Deathbed

Embracing the shadows of life, I come to you, Almighty God. You, who from the Christian soul promises eternal rest and acceptance. To this faithful Christian on this bed of tribulation, offer your divine grace and unfailing love. Grant him a peaceful death – an eternal rest grant, as we have been taught in your Holy Word. Dying Gracious Father, in your loving arms we place our trust. Send forth all the angels to accompany him on his final journey. O Lord our Savior, by Your divine mercy may he enter Your eternal Kingdom adorned with peace—with uttermost tranquility—an outcome only promised to those truly Yours. Amen. (Hint: Remember what our holy word tells us; “Death is then truly a passage… a ‘passover,’ from death into true life”. Truly resonating here is that as everlasting as our Almighty Father’s love for us is the assurance of His mercy and salvation during even these foreboding end times.)

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Someone Dying of Cancer

Faithful departed, I call unto you. May St. Joseph, who shared the earthly life of your dear son, guide me with his holy word. Amidst great bodily weakness, I yearn for the strength found in your perpetual light to shine upon me. Angels lead my plea to all the saints and our Virgin Mother. Hear my Hail Mary in the face of adversity; let this Living God demonstrate his mighty power through divine comfort. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Someone Seeking the Strength to Let Go

Pervade, I pray, dear Jesus, my human weakness with Your perpetual light. Assist me in navigating the darkest valley of this grieving process. Let Your gracious promises serve as a beacon, making that light shine even brighter amid these trials. Grant me the strength to trust You unreservedly and to live forever enveloped in your love, oh Lord.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for the Repose of a Loved One's Soul

Engulf me, O Lord, within Your loving arms and in the silence found therein, let this earnest prayer be recited immediately. As it is stated in Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me”. Bring mercy to my soul, O Divine One. In life as in death, may Your eternal peace dwell within our loved ones and us. Let this faith guide us and keep us ever-aware of Your holy presence in heaven—our final homestead. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Forgiveness

Humble and merciful, I beg of You, look not upon my multitude of sins. Rather, let Your gaze fall on the love in my heart for Christ. By His glory and sacrifice may the dead carry no fear; instead they find tranquility in Your divine presence. Judge me by the souls I’ve touched on earth, not by the mistakes I’ve made. Grant peace to my loved one and wash away the sins of our world, dear Father. Through your infinite mercy guide us in a world devoid of shadows. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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