Prayer for Overcoming Jealousy
Protect yourself and family from malicious intent of others thru Jesus' Precious Blood; reject demonic invites towards sin!

By: Editorial Team
Prayer Against Jealousy Spirits
Lord God, I come to You in prayer today asking for Your protection against any jealousy spirits. I bow before You and humbly admit that only You are the Lord of my life. Please drive away all envy and hatred from my mind, heart, and soul, as these thoughts do not bring glory to Your Name. Remove every spirit of viciousness or coveting which intends to discourage me or corrupt my purposes and plans. Help me to control my jealous emotions and overcome selfish ambitions that spark overwhelming fury. Show me how to take captive my wrong desires, exchange them with Your holy ones, and choose to live a righteous life. In Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Insecurity and Jealousy
Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, I ask for Your healing and grace over my insecurities and jealous emotions. Let me experience the joy of righteousness by wisely managing jealousy. Strengthen me by placing a mighty stronghold between my hatred and jealousy towards others’ success or well-being. Allow me to be content with the blessings only You have given me that are only ‘yours,’ not anyone else’s. Help me to replace my stupid jealousy with gentle kindness, seeking to make better use of my time rather than fueling dissension. In Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Protection From Jealousy
Lord God, my family and I are thankful for the blessings you have shown us. However, many feel envious of our fortune and want to harm us. Therefore, Jesus Mighty, I humbly ask that you cover us with Your Precious Blood to protect us from any malicious intent of others. Let no one bring hurt into our lives out of jealousy and envy because we love You and only You above all else. May we always choose to do Your will over the world’s will in all the flesh by rejecting immoral fleshly activity and demonic doors. May our poor jealousies not rob us of other people’s blessings. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Jealousy in Marriage
Dear Father, I come to You in need of Your help. Please free me from jealous feelings that threaten my marriage. Cleanse us from generational curses and any demonic influence bringing only dissension. Help me to obey Your Word and stand firm in the face of anxious thoughts, protecting us both from the wrong reasons and releasing us into the right thinking. Put a hedge of protection around us so no evil, wild beasts can separate us. Let me find peace and joy in our relationship, guiding our thoughts toward righteousness as we live out Your will for us both! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Jealousy in a Relationship
Heavenly Father, I thank You for my wonderful relationship and ask that You show me any hidden jealousies in my heart so I can confess them. For those struggling with jealousy outside of our relationship, please draw them close to Yourself and help release these destructive feelings. Give me the strength, courage, and patience to lead by example and be understanding when I cannot fully comprehend their feelings. Fulfill us both with Your peace and assurance. In Your love and compassion, save their relationships as well as ours. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for a Jealous Husband
Dear Lord, please fill my husband with the Holy Spirit and protect him from the bitterness of jealousy. Show him the right attitude to control his jealous emotions and overcome his selfish ambitions. Help us both avoid worldly desire that leads to sexual immorality, so we may serve You with joy and choose a righteous way of life. Let us not be deluded by other people’s blessings or made jealous of them. Instead, empower us to find contentment in our own family and only do Your will. May each moment be filled with Your presence, granting us peace and well-being for our whole life! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Jealous Family Members
Mighty God, I come before you in distress, asking for your protection and strength. Please help me to be firm against the envy and hatred of my family members that are jealous of me. May their thoughts become captive under the power of Your grace and truth, leading them never to open demonic doors. Bring confusion and inefficiency into their plans so they can no longer disturb my peace or disrupt my success. Shine a light on those who wish harm upon me out of jealousy so that it is exposed and shamed among peers and elders alike. Bless Your humble servant with wisdom, discernment, courage, and perseverance as I confront these vitriolic issues head-on, guided by Your Holy Spirit. Grant us all Your transforming love, so our experience with jealousy may fuel a path of repentance and stewardship. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer Against Jealousy and Envy
Holy Spirit, I come before You asking for Your forgiveness and mercy concerning my feelings of jealousy and envy. I know these feelings are not only unproductive but also wrong. Please fill my heart with Your love and consume it with your fire so there will be no room for those toxic emotions. Help me be humble and focus on loving others rather than succumbing to bitter jealousy. May your peace reign throughout my life, always keeping such negative emotions at bay. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Jealousy at Work
Oh, Savior, please grant my colleagues and me the patience to work together with sincerity. Free us from jealousy and keep us focused on our goals with honest communication. Please help us serve each other enthusiastically and celebrate our success while avoiding comparing ourselves to each other. May we seek Your wisdom to be guided into Your plan for our lives as we only do good for others inspired by You, to the point that other people’s blessings won’t become a consuming fire for our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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