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Woman patiently waiting for her boyfriend's change

Prayer for Boyfriend to Change

Frustrated with your partner's habits? Praying helps. Spotlighting ideal prayers that could influence his behaviors. Devour freshness in your love life.




Prayer for God to Change My Boyfriend

Dear Lord, I come before You today, filled with desperation and hope. My boyfriend, who I love dearly, is letting his own interests guide him terribly wrong. Heavenly Father, I pray that you transform his life today. Let him move away from his questionable relationships and choose to be a godly man. Holy Spirit, soften his tough exterior and open up his heart. Help him understand that true forgiveness and a life lived for others is more fulfilling than tending to his own needs in the same manner he’s been doing previously. Please dear God, mold him into the righteous person you’ve intended for him to be. Inspire us both to press forward in growth and change. All these we ask trusting in You alone. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Others’ Boyfriends to Change

Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we seek Your mighty power. The boyfriends around us have started acting like a building supply company that began chipping away at our happiness until we’re teetering on the brink of a nervous breakdown. In these spiritual realms where nonpareil compassion reigns and all things hoped for are possible, we beseech You to intervene. Only You can turn their horrible deeds into good ones. We long to see changes reflecting patience and respect, replacing the turbulence with serenity. For as lives began to be affected by their behaviors, dear Father remind them of Jesus’ name significance—love and salvation. By Your grace, instill love that acts rightly within their lives and ours. In surrender and faith, we pray this earnestly to You. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for My Boyfriend's Self Discovery

Mighty Hand, guide the footsteps of my boyfriend on his journey toward self-discovery. Illuminate him with Your wisdom for it is written, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God” (James 1:5). Endow him with the sheer determination to comprehend and respond intelligently to his own needs. Jesus, inject strength into his faith so he becomes a better person not only in our relationship but also in every aspect of life today. Only You can foster such transformation. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Strengthening of My Boyfriend's Faith

Lord, I pray for my boyfriend, asking You to strengthen his faith. Kindle in him the sparkling flame of belief, helping him become a godly man and a righteous person. Through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, let him see that only You can guide his path. Enhance our faith as we journey together towards Your light. In trust and reverence, we seek Your help to maintain this unwavering belief. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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