Pomba Gira Prayer
Call upon the mighty spirit of Maria Padilha to aid you in love. Make a man burn with longing through her divine help and captivation of his passions.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to Pomba Gira for Love
O glorious princess, Pomba Gira, I thank thee for your many qualities and great power. I pray to you with the following request: Please cast your spell of love for me so that I may feel pleasure in the presence of my beloved. Illuminate our sacred hearts with the fire of passion, and let us share tender moments until eternity. Bless us with infinite joy and desire while guiding us through this night and every day hereafter. In exchange, I offer you these red roses as a sign of gratitude. May your life be filled with fulfillment, amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Pomba Gira to Bring Back Love
O Maria Padilha, Queen of the Crossroads and powerful Pomba Gira, I come to you today seeking your help in reuniting two separated lovers. Your renowned reputation as the keeper of great wisdom and guidance guides me here. As a devoted worshiper, I ask that my beloved be returned to me so we may again find passion and harmony together for eternity, just like before our separation tore us apart. You bring many extraordinary powers, from understanding hearts to granting wishes; please use them to get us back together. I will remain ever faithful and obedient if only you give this single request from a humble devotee who loves deeply with all her heart. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Pomba Gira to Drive a Man Crazy
Oh, mighty and beautiful Pomba Gira, the divine spirit of Maria Padilha’s emotion and power. I beg for your divine help in making this man feel a passionate love for me. Please enflame him with the love fire he may burn with longing for me every moment of the day. Stir his passions so profoundly he is captivated by my presence; let me consume his thoughts in a trance-like obsession from which he cannot control himself or sensations. This I beg you, Pomba Gira, patron saint of love and desire! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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