Our Lady of Tenderness Prayer
Seek refuge in Our Lady of Tenderness' nurturing embrace. Her prayers provide guidance, consolation, and a loving touch in times of despair.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for Healing Comfort
Our Lady of Tenderness, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your gentle embrace and healing comfort. In my moments of despair, I find solace in your unbroken unity with your Son, Jesus Christ, and your Immaculate Conception. You, the Virgin Mother, have shown us the perfect example of love and tender care for every human being through your selfless devotion to the Christ Child.
As I gaze upon your icon, I am reminded of your endless compassion and the divine realities expressed through your soft tenderness. Blessed Mother, I ask for your intercession, that I may learn to act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with God. Grant me the grace and courage to face life’s challenges with hope and wisdom, just as you stood strong beside your Son throughout his life.
In your eyes of praise and peaceful magnet, I find the strength to persevere and grow in my faith. Holy Spirit, guide me in my journey, and help me always to keep my inner eye focused on Jesus, the source of all mercy and life.
Our Lady of Tenderness, Mother of God, pray for us. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for a Mother's Love
Dearest Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Tenderness, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your reflected wisdom and gentle tenderness. In this moment of quiet observing, I feel the warmth of your tender love, as a child loves a mother. Your gaze holds me in a total embrace, as I pause long enough to understand the strong thing that God asks of me through your example.
Our Lady of Tenderness, you are the embodiment of a mother’s love, endlessly gazing upon your children with eyes of praise. Teach me, Mary, to love with that same devotion, and guide me in my journey towards becoming a better mother. In moments of challenge, may I find solace in your silence and strength in your words. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for Strength in Adversity
Heavenly Mother, Our Lady of Tenderness, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking solace and strength in these trying times. I know that you are the compassionate one, always ready to listen and embrace those who cry out to you. Your gentle eyes praise the goodness in all of your children, and your loving heart never falters.
In both statement and action, you have shown your unwavering devotion to humanity, and I find comfort in the knowledge that you are with me now. I ask for the courage to face my challenges and the wisdom to learn from them. Teach me, dear Mother, to stop long enough to recognize the blessings that you bestow upon me each day.
Please, Our Lady of Tenderness, grant me the grace to remember that there is only one thing that truly matters – my faith in you and your beloved Son. May I grow in my love for you, and may my trust in your intercession never wane. In your loving arms, I find refuge and peace. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for Emotional Support
Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Tenderness, I turn to you in my time of need. Your loving and compassionate gaze upon your Son, Jesus, inspires me to seek your guidance and support. You, who soothed the wounds of Christ’s Passion, I humbly ask to heal my emotional pain.
I entrust my heart to you, knowing that you understand my struggles and sorrows. Our Lady of Tenderness, also known as the Eleusa Icon, has been a source of comfort and solace to countless believers throughout the centuries. Please wrap your loving mantle around me and grant me the grace to find peace and healing, as I strive to follow your example of steadfast faith and unwavering devotion. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for Help During Difficult Times
Beloved Our Lady of Tenderness, I come before you, seeking your divine intercession and guidance during these trying times. You, who have been revered as the Mother of God, embracing Jesus Christ with your loving gaze, hear my earnest plea. As you once comforted your Son, I ask that you bring solace and strength to my weary heart.
In your infinite compassion, Our Lady of Tenderness, I trust that you will grant me the grace to persevere through my trials and tribulations. May I find refuge in your tender embrace, as I strive to follow Christ’s path, and grow closer to Him each day. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for Guiding Light
Glorious Our Lady of Tenderness, I humbly seek your intercession and guidance in my daily life. You have been a symbol of love and compassion since the time you appeared in the eastern Byzantine Empire, providing solace and strength to countless souls. As I face the challenges of this world, grant me your grace and the wisdom to make choices that reflect your divine guidance. May your tender embrace surround me and lead me closer to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for Forgiveness and Reconciliation
O gracious Our Lady of Tenderness, I come before you with a humble and contrite heart. You, who stood by the cross witnessing the suffering of your beloved Son, are ever mindful of our sorrows and struggles.
I seek your powerful intercession for forgiveness and reconciliation in my life. May your loving gaze, which softened the hearts of those who hurt you, inspire me to forgive others and heal the wounds of division.
Guide me, Our Lady of Tenderness, to a path of peace, compassion, and unity, as I strive to emulate your unwavering faith and trust in God’s divine plan. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for Intercession in Our Lives
Gentle Mother, Our Lady of Tenderness, I humbly come before you, seeking your intercession in my life. With your boundless love and compassion, you hold your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, in a tender embrace, reflecting the depths of your maternal care.
Our Lady of Tenderness, who cradles the brokenhearted and consoles the sorrowful, I ask you to intercede for me and my loved ones, that we may find solace in our trials and walk with renewed faith in God’s divine plan. May your loving presence guide us on our journey toward holiness and eternal life with our Heavenly Father. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for the Miracle of Transformation
Most compassionate and loving Mother, Our Lady of Tenderness, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your powerful intercession. You, who are known for the miraculous icon that softened the hearts of those who beheld it, I implore you to transform my life and help me grow closer to your Son, Jesus Christ.
Grant me the grace to embrace your divine guidance and to follow your example of faith and devotion. May your tender love touch my heart and lead me on the path of righteousness. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for the Gift of Compassion
Loving Mother, Our Lady of Tenderness, whose tender gaze is depicted in the ancient icon, I come before you, a fervent devotee, seeking your guidance and intercession. Imbue my heart, dear Mother, with the gift of compassion, so that I may truly understand and empathize with the suffering of others. May your loving embrace, which cradled our Savior, also embrace those in need, and inspire within me the desire to serve and comfort them. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for the Courage to Face Challenges
Gracious Mother, Our Lady of Tenderness, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your intercession as I navigate life’s challenges. As you tenderly embraced our Lord Jesus Christ in the icon of the “Elousa,” please wrap me in your loving arms and guide me through my struggles with unwavering faith.
Bestow upon me the courage and strength to face adversities with grace and to follow your example of selfless love and devotion. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for True Friendship
Dearest Mother, Our Lady of Tenderness, you who cradled our precious Lord in your loving arms, I beseech your divine intercession. I humbly ask for your guidance in finding true and lasting friendships, just as you shared a deep bond with Saint Elizabeth. May my heart be ever open to receive the gift of companionship, and grant me the wisdom to cherish and nurture these friendships. Through your tender love and care, help me to grow in faith and love, so that I may be a reflection of your goodness to others. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for the Petition of a Humble Heart
Gentle Mother of Our Lady of Tenderness, I come before you with a humble and fervent heart. Your beautiful image reveals your loving compassion for all of us, your children. Through your intercession, I seek your guidance and assistance in my life’s journey.
Our Lady of Tenderness, you are known as the one who comforts and consoles, embracing all with your tender care. I ask for your loving embrace to help me grow in faith, hope, and love. Please intercede for me, that I may remain steadfast in my devotion to you and to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Protect me and all those I love, dear Mother, and lead us ever closer to your Son, in whose name we pray. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness for Protection From Evil
Holy Mother, Our Lady of Tenderness, you who manifested your loving presence to the faithful in the miraculous icon of Vladimir, I come to you with a fervent heart. I ask for your intercession to protect my loved ones and me from all evil and to guide us in our daily lives.
In your infinite compassion, wrap us in your mantle of tenderness and shower upon us your grace and mercy. May we always follow your example of faithfulness, humility, and love.
Our Lady of Tenderness, we trust in your powerful intercession and pray that you lead us ever closer to your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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