Obatala Prayer
Come to Obatala for powerful protection in life. Find physical wellness, abundance, and strong relationships through His light.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to Obatala for Protection
Heavenly Father Obatala, I come before you today, asking for your powerful protection in every area of my life. Shield me from evil and from those who wish to do me harm. Protect my loved ones and keep us safe as we journey along our paths. Bless us with physical health, financial abundance, and positive relationships so that we may enjoy fulfilling lives for many years to come. Help me discern the right path forward when making choices and provide clarity when I most need it. Let Your light guide us through the darkness to obtain peace in stormy times ahead- keeping hope alive at all times. Ashe!

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Obatala for Love
O Great and Powerful Obatala! Merciful God of the Yoruba tribe! I come to you begging for your assistance. Please grant me a love that is genuine, pure, passionate, and true. Let it be filled with good energy for both myself and my beloved. Allow us to bring peace to one another’s souls, warmth into our hearts, and smiles across our faces. Bless us with an everlasting union full of respect, understanding, and deep connection so we can find happiness in each other’s arms. In your name, I pray! Ashe.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to Obatala for Healing
Eternal Father Obatala, thank you for protecting me under your protective mantle and blessing my life with prosperity. I come before you in great faith, hoping you will heal my body, mind, and spirit. With patience and hope, I ask that you provide support so I may overcome this difficulty and align myself closer to my true destiny. Bless me with your grace O Baba Obatala, as only You can direct me back onto the path of eternal rest. Ashe!

By: Editorial Team
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