Confession Prayer
Turn to the Lord in contrite humility and confess your sins for forgiveness. Receive grace and identify transgressions to seek mercy and make right.

By: Editorial Team
Reconciliation Prayer
O Lord, my Savior, I stand before You in humble repentance. In blind transgressions of Your ten commandments and willfully disobeying your grace, I have sinned against You who have always loved me with unfailing love. All my heart cries out for forgiveness and mercy, so I firmly resolve to change my ways hereafter, never to be drawn into old habits. As a sign of true repentance, help me fill my soul with the beauty of Your peace when one sincerely confesses their sins and makes a good confession in Your Sacrament of Penance. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Confession
Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you in repentance and humility with my last confession. In contrition of heart, I confess all my sins to you – small and great, known and unknown. Please fill me with the awareness to examine myself thoughtfully. Guide me as I acknowledge my wrongs so that I may receive your grace and absolution through penance of a humble heart. Change my spirit so that all of my heart is devoted to doing your will when the tax collector stands at the door of Your Church. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
First Confession Prayer
I approach my first confession with humility and repentance, knowing I have sinned against God by violating His commandments. In this moment of remorse, I try to turn away from wrongdoing and seek mercy for my lost sheep of a soul. Oh Lord, grant me the grace to examine my conscience to identify all my sins. Through Your divine mercy, cleanse me of any and all transgressions from venial sins to mortal ones. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer of Penance
O Lord, I confess my sins to You. Prodigal son that I am, I turn back towards You in contrite humility. My heart is heavy with remorse for having disregarded Your grace and mercy. Forgive me for my actions by looking at my conscience and act of contrition. With a humble and faithful heart, receive me back into the fold. Guide me in making a good confession with a firm resolution, never veering away from Your will again. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Sacrament of Reconciliation Prayer
I come before You, Merciful God, praying for Your mercy and grace. I firmly intend to make amends by way of assigned penance given me through sacramental confession. I confess my sins – those last, all, and any committed in my past life – with a true sorrow of heart and with a humble, contrite soul. Please absolve me from these transgressions and grant me the gift of new life in You, giving me the strength to live faithfully until death brings an eternity in Heaven or Hell. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Confession Prayer, Forgive Me, Father
Father, I come to you today with a heavy heart, seeking your forgiveness. I have made many mistakes, and at times I have acted selfishly or done things out of pride. Forgive me in Your infinite grace and mercy. Wash away my mortal sins so that Your light may shine within me once again and illuminate my path. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Confession of Sin Prayer
Oh, Lord Jesus, I confess and acknowledge that I have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed. My sorrow for the wrongs I have done is deep within me. My love for You is not as strong as it should be. Please help me see how I could repent of my sins and make good on the things left undone. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now