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Babalu Aye Prayer

Step away from empty promises and find a miraculous solution to complete healing and salvation through the guidance of Babalu Aye.




Prayer to Babalu Aye for Healing

I bow humbly in prayer before Your Majesty, Babalu Aye. With my hands entwined and words from the depths of my heart, I beseech You for healing. I yearn for a miraculous recovery after the duration of sickness that cannot be diagnosed by doctors or equaled by known medicines. All around me are empty promises and estranged faith, but divinely you come through to answer desperate prayers from devoted souls like mine. Fill me with new life so that I may thank You endlessly for delivering me out of darkness and sadness cast over me by this sickness. Forever will I show my gratitude and keep you forever close to my heart no matter what challenges face ahead on my journey towards complete salvation in health and well-being through your guidance, thus completing your desired outcome: one of perfect healing! Ashe!

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to Babalu Aye for Sickness

Oh, Babalu Aye, great healer of the earth and protector of all living things. Your compassion and love know no bounds. You always find a way to ease our troubles. I come before you today to seek your help for my friend who is suffering from an illness he cannot shake off. In his time of desperate need, I ask that You grant him the strength and blessings necessary to heal his pain and the power to overcome any diseases threatening his life. I light a royal purple candle as an offering of my faith and gratitude. May the flame bring calm and peace to my friend and divine healing power to heal and rid him of his struggles. Guide us on how best to serve my sick friend, and let your healing powers work through him throughout this process. Let no tragedy befall him as he faces their hardship! Hear my prayers, oh great provider, look upon my pleadings kindly with mercy reigning throughout because we could not bear if anything happened adversely as it did before. May we experience true bliss, good health, and peace once more together! Ashe.

By: Editorial Team

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