St. Therese Prayer
Keep hope alive with the intercession of St. Therese. Experience her divine love and let her example of devoted holiness impact you daily.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to St. Therese of the Little Flower
Almighty God, You gave Saint Therese of the Child Jesus a profound love for Your divine mercy. Through her intercession, may we also come to share in this intimacy with You and recognize all the graces given to us through Your boundless love.
Give us courage and perseverance as we strive to live out our paths of holiness while seeking help from St. Therese’s example of devoted trust in You alone. Help us not to be discouraged by our faults or falls along the way but instead look forward with hope knowing that in those moments, your grace is sufficient even for those who feel undeserving or incapable of receiving it.
May we learn how to accept all people without judgment just as she did, trusting that each person carries within them some element of Your beauty and love no matter what their outer circumstances might suggest otherwise. May her example encourage us each day so that through her intercession we may grow ever closer towards You and experience more deeply your infinite goodness in our hearts and lives. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Therese for a Rose
O dearest, sweetest Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, beloved Carmelite Sister and servant of God who fervently beseeches for us in Heaven; I am humbly raising my hands to praise Your divine works and virtues. You are known as the Greatest Saint of Modern times and often referred to as the ‘Little Flower.’ In this passing life, grant me your blessing through devotion towards His Sacred Heart and mention my name in utmost silence; I may receive a rose from you during this journey through faith. Help me carry out Your promises with grace so I may be given new strength each day. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Therese for Healing
My dearest St. Therese of the Child Jesus, I beseech you in my distress to plead with Jesus for the healing and peace that only a miracle can bring. With faith and gratitude, I offer this prayer for myself, my family, and my friends who suffer physical pain. Please help me with your intercession to have complete confidence in our divine physician. May Your infinite merits be poured from heaven with merciful love, raised by You to aid us in desperate moments when all seems lost on earth. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Therese for a Miracle
O Glorious St. Therese, I beseech your Miraculous Intercession for a miracle in my life. Give me faith to see God in the people and experiences around me and the confidence to love Him fully. Help me carry out your promise of bringing good on earth; shower blessings like roses from Heaven. Let your childlike faith and divine love inspire the human family everywhere. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Therese for Stress and Anxiety
O Little Flower, I turn to you with full confidence in your intercession. Help me obtain relief from my stress and anxiety today and empower me to carry out all of my promises. Letting fall from Heaven the miraculous invocation of your name, I pray for your help with childlike faith. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Therese for a Husband
Oh, Saint Therese, I come to you today in desperate need of a husband. Please intercede on my behalf, sharing your miraculous wisdom and unwavering faith with the Lord so that he may grant me a loving partner to share this life journey. Let me be blessed with all the earthly love of an honest and devoted husband who will embrace my dreams as his own and take up my hand when things are hard. Inspire us both to stay faithful, trust one another absolutely and stand firm in our teeming love for each other. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now