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St. Pancratius Prayer

Join St. Pancratius in glorious strength and courage! Deem what is good, beautiful, and true so that you may find purpose in your work.




Prayer to St. Pancratius for Work

O Glorious St. Pancratius, who above all things was a doer of good works, inspire me with your grace and courage that I may be determined to work hard for my calling. Please help me find passion in what I do and guide my steps to serve our community with excellent results. Comfort and protect me when the hard times come upon me. Let me always remember the opportunity instilled in meaningful work, no matter how difficult it may seem. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Pancratius for Help

O Lord and Heavenly Father, through my faith in your Son Jesus Christ, I now turn to St. Pancratius for his intercession before you. He was a courageous witness and martyr who proclaimed the greatness of Our Savior even in the face of death. Grant me strength and courage to remain firm against all external pressures that tempt me away from Your Truth. Please help me to hold fast to what is good, beautiful, and true so that demons have no place or power over me. May the intercession of St. Pancratius set an example for us today, helping us to profess our love and devotion openly with a pure heart free from fear or reservation so that we may better honor You forever through Jesus Christ, our Lord! Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to St. Pancratius for Employment

Glorious St. Pancratius, martyr and faithful servant of our Lord, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your intercession. You, who valiantly endured persecution and even death for your faith, are an inspiring example of unwavering devotion. I humbly ask for your assistance in my quest for employment, as I seek to provide for myself and my family. Please intercede on my behalf, asking the Lord to bless me with a fulfilling job that aligns with His divine plan for my life. Guide me in my search and grant me the wisdom to discern the right opportunities. May my work glorify God and serve as a testament to my faith. St. Pancratius, you who are patron of job seekers, I trust in your powerful intercession, and I am confident that through your prayers, my needs will be met. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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