St. Clare Prayer
Let the grace of St. Clare descend from the heavens and grant us her blessing of good weather. Keep us safe from severe rain and windstorms.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer to St. Clare of Assisi
Oh blessed Saint Clare of Assisi, I come to you with faith and love in my heart, adorned with the desire of your intercession. Please help me present my intention to the Lord and help me trust that it will be answered. I adore your devotion to God and see myself learning from how greatly you placed Him as Your Master and Lover. Intercede for us all so that we may experience His peace always. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to St. Clare for Good Weather
O glorious St. Clare, intercede with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for us in prayer. We humbly ask that you use your divine power to bring peace and comfort to those who suffer from unstable weather conditions. Grant us sunny skies and gentle breezes so that all may benefit from the beauty of nature’s gifts. Please grant us favorable temperatures; let the sun warm our faces, but not too hot or too cool. Help keep harsh windstorms at bay and severe rain away from our homes, businesses, and communities. Let your prayers fill our skies with beautiful sunshine! Amen!

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to St. Clare for Healing
O Lord, I humbly implore Your grace and mercy as I turn to St. Clare for her intercession in healing my ailing body and broken spirit. As she stood before You in awe-filled adoration of the Eucharistic Presence, so too do I kneel before You with a heart open to receive Your transformative power. Grant me the strength to remain humble and hopeful even when affliction strikes me. Through her trials, Saint Clare remained steadfast in trust that You shall restore peace to those who call upon You—I pray for the same faith. Let your Blessed Mother Mary be my ally as I face these challenges; may Saint Clare find favor with you on my behalf! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer to St. Clare for Baby
Oh, Glorious Saint Clare, you shared in the life of St. Francis and were a devoted follower of his teachings. I turn to you with warm feelings as I ask for your intercession on behalf of my baby, who needs your help and protection. Please guide this little one so that they remain safe and healthy, their soul overflowing with joy and peace. I ask that you keep every harm away from them as they sleep so that each day brings them closer to God’s love. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer to St. Clare for Eyes
O Blessed Saint Clare, I come before Your Divine presence with a heavy heart full of distress. I seek You out in my need and loneliness to help me see again with clarity and focus. Grant me the gift of sight once more, for it is to You that I entrust the wellbeing of my eyes. Through binding them up where gratitude will open them, may I learn to appreciate every detail existence has to offer and behold joyful visions of eternity in The Most Blessed Sacrament. Give me strength through Your loving grace so that Your blessings may be found ceaselessly within my life, offering comfort even in affliction or darkness as You have done throughout your lifetime. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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