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Prayer to Make Him Think of Me

Awaken your love with a powerful prayer to make him think of you crazily. Deepen your connection through an unending flame of hope and passion!




Prayer to Make Him Think of Me 24 Hours a Day

Dear Lord, I come before you with a humble heart and soul full of pure love for my beloved. You know how much he means to me and the pains I feel when we are apart. Provide him guidance so that he can never forget about me, think of me, day and night, without fail – so his thoughts will be as captivating as our first embrace. Embed in his heart is an undying flame of hope and passion for keeping us together no matter what comes between us. Let him miss me like crazy 24 hours a day, every day until our paths cross again or death separates us from each other’s arms. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to Make Him Think of Me Desperately

Dear Heavenly Father, I humbly come before you to ask for your guidance and protection. Please let him think of me constantly and desperately so that he may see how much I love him. Help him understand the beauty of my affection towards him; show him that my intentions are full of kindness so that it fortifies our bond together. May you fill his heart with joy when he thinks of me and ensure our connection is never forgotten or underestimated. Fill his thoughts with longings to call out to me and feel within him an unquenchable desire for us to be connected every moment we can. As Lord, give us both the strength to sustain a passionate relationship built on faithfulness, honesty, devotion, commitment, and trustworthiness; all these virtues drive us closer together in harmony eternally. Amen!

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer to Make Someone Think of You

Dear God, I humbly ask that You touch the heart and mind of [name], so he may think of me and remember my unconditional love. I pray that You fill his heart with longing for me so that he be inspired to reach out to me. May the memories we have shared joy – restore our connection anew. Let Your loving grace be a shield against all suffering, reminding him I am ever present in prayerful care. Enlighten him further with inspiring thoughts of hope when times feel challenging. He is precious in Your eyes; help us realize each other’s worth. Bring us closer together by stirring within both hearts a renewed admiration and gratitude towards one another until life becomes many moments spent hand-in-hand, living abundantly together! In Jesus’ Name, I pray this request is fulfilled. Amen!

By: Editorial Team

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