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Person holding a missing piece in a broken circle symbolizing wholeness and healing through prayer

Prayer for Wholeness

Immerse yourself in the power of the prayer for wholeness in Christ. Seek divine spiritual healing and redemption through faith. Never underestimate the power of prayer.




Prayer for Wholeness in Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, I approach Your divine presence pleading for spiritual healing. In Your mercy, cleanse my soul and mend any brokenness within me. Allow your holy spirit to move through me, restoring the fullness of life and health that You desire for us all. In my struggles and weaknesses, be my strength, guiding me into wholeness under Your protective wing. Through prayer for wholeness, may I experience a complete transformation in Your loving arms. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Total Wholeness

Healing power of our savior, I lay bare in your presence, pleading for physical healing through your divine mercy. Jesus Christ, in complete surrender, I anchor my faith and hope in you; your touch restores and makes whole again. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Resting in Wholeness

Deep in my heart, O Heavenly Father, I yearn for Your wholeness. Matthew 11:28 whispers Your truth into my soul: “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Oftentimes overcome by pain, I deflate under its weight. However, enduring faith in You burns relentlessly within me. Cloak me with soothing peace that surpasses all understanding; enable me to rest peacefully amid the turbulence of life. Through Your grace alone can I become whole again. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Thanks for Wholeness

My gracious Father, I render to You my deepest gratitude. In the encompassing embrace of Your infinite love and all the blessings bestowed upon me, I found wholeness and salvation through Jesus Christ’s sacrificial love. As I navigate life’s tapestry, my heart will continue to sing praises unto You. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Seeking Wholeness

In the midst of my broken heart, your gracious presence, O Divine Healer, is what I seek fervently. Psalm 147:3 reminds us: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Never fail in reaching out with your healing touch, Lord, even in my darkest despair. Envelop my spirit with the warmth of your divine love—let this be my prayer. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Protection in Wholeness

Dear Heavenly Father, under Your sheltering wings, might I find peace and complete wholeness (Psalm 91:4). Uphold this prayer for wholeness as a bastion against the evil one. May Your grace shield me, preserving my faith, hope, and love even amid earthly struggles. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Wholeness Within the Family

Infinite Source of divine love, graciously instill harmony in each family member’s heart. Empower us with your profound love, oh God, so we may exemplify it among ourselves, driving away discord. Sustain us in unity and peace; let your unending affection guide our interactions within the family. Propel forward Your promise of wholeness and binding love amongst us. We trust in Your transformative power. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Wholeness in World

In the tapestry of life across all the earth, I weave my prayers for healing. Divine Healing, descend upon this world that is fraught with sorrow and suffering. Hear our hearts yearn for wholesomeness, O Lord. Renew stricken bodies and mend fractured spirits, even as we steadily look to You for comfort and cure. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Wholeness in Faith

Ever-present Spirit, guide me towards the elevation and sanctification of my faith. Heavenly Father, let your divine light clear all doubts, spurring an unshakable trust in you. In moments of frailty, bolster my faith, ensuring that it stands unwavering against life’s trials and tribulations. Lord, may your constant presence fortify my relationship with you, aiding me in showcasing authentic expressions of devotion and love towards everything sacred. Grant me the serene assurance that withstands every tempest of doubt.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Wholeness in Love

In the throes of life’s trials, I seek your divine intercession, oh Sacred Heart. Pervade my spirit with your redeeming love, extend compassion and kindness to every crevice of my being. Let your unfailing love staple my fractured heart, permitting me to love as Jesus did; unreservedly and profoundly. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Wholeness in Hope

In times of bleakness, Father, when I feel hopeless, let me draw strength from the beacon of Your love. You have promised in Revelation 21:4 that a time will come when death will be no more. Ignite in me an unending hope for life everlasting. Renew my spirit and lift my heart away from the shadows of despair; reminding me always that joy comes in the morning! Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Wholeness in Wisdom

In the quiet of this moment, I seek your wisdom, Lord Jesus. Help me comprehend the depths of Your divine intellect in my daily bread. As part of one God, unite my mind to grasp what is good and reject what’s not. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Wholeness in Body, Mind, and Spirit

In accordance with Your Word, Almighty Father, that “by His wounds you have been healed” (1 Peter 2:24), I humbly beseech You. Aid me in my struggles, promoting good health and better health within my body, mind, and spirit. Strengthen the potency of my healing prayers to mend what is broken and restore my overall wellbeing. Fuel my fervor and faith for this impassioned plea. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Wholeness in Joy

In the presence of your holiness, Jesus, I find myself yearning to taste the elixir of joy. Each fleeting whisper of happiness, each quiet celebration; these little moments are precious to me. Yet, I yearn for more – a joy that persists through trials and tribulations. Clothe me in unending delight as prayers ascend and descend within this close modal dialog end, where every prayer meets a listening ear. Flood my heart with your holy joy – the purest form engaging and reinvigorating life’s wellspring. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer to Surrender for Wholeness

In the quiet moments of introspection, I find myself at Your feet, O Divine Creator. With a humble heart and yearning spirit, I yield to a complete surrender, trusting in your infinite wisdom. Envelope me within the nurturing embrace of Your unwavering love. Allow this total yielding to be the transformative catalyst that initiates my healing process. Echoes of Your powerful declaration resound, Jesus name amen – affirming every prayer offered. My trust is unshakeable in You, as You guide me through this spiritual reassembly from brokenness towards wholeness.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Wholeness Aloud

In the sacred silence of this moment, I call on You, Lord Jesus. Let Your healing grace cascade over me like a serene video play that brings wholeness in every frame. Each scene portraying redemption and restoration from brokenness known and unknown. May I harmonize with Your endless love and embody Your divine essence as I tread my earthly journey. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Wholeness in Blessing

Gracious Jesus, may your abundant blessings flow freely into each moment of my life. I fervently beseech you, God, bless every part of me, making me whole. In your divine love and protection, help me to receive and enact your pledged promises. In all things, let Your will be done. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Wholeness to Overcome Fear

In the midst of shadows and uncertainty, Heavenly Father, I entreat You to dissolve my fear. Replace it with Your infinite love and bring healing to my heart. Amidst turmoil, may I hold onto the default values You instilled in me, always trusting in Your divine providence. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Wholeness in the Sick

Please hear my plea, oh Divine Healer, for those rendered weak by illness. Your healing hand, I beseech to touch the sick and bring restoration unto them. As they journey through this trial, may they walk closely with You in steadfast faith, trusting that You are their Refuge – a steadfast Physician amidst suffering. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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Prayer for Wholeness Through Holy Name

In the silent whispers of your holy name, Jesus, I find solace. Through Your loving grace, each uttered word echoes as a testimony of Your divine presence around me. May the resonance of Your name bring healing and peace to my jumbled heart and restless mind. Imbue in me, I pray, a wholeness that only You can provide.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Wholeness in the Spirit

In the realm of Your majesty, oh Heavenly Master, I ardently seek solace. Pour out your divine healing upon me and lead me on the path to wholeness. I beseech the sacred Spirit to guide my prayers towards you, Lord. May my spirit find unbroken nourishment in Your abiding love and profound mercy while radiating that same wholeness onto others. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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