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Multiple hearts in the colors of the Ukrainian flag forming the shape of Ukraine against the backdrop of a global map

Prayer for Ukraine

Experience calm amid the storm by carrying Ukraine's struggles in your prayers. Get solace in our spiritually inspired prayers that move hearts towards peace and liberty.




Prayer for the Liberation of Ukraine

Father God, we humbly bring the Ukrainian people to You in faith and with voices crying out for liberation. We boldly ask Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, to touch the king’s heart; as written, “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes.” (Proverbs 21:1). Turn our pain into hope, oh Lord. As neighboring countries watch and learn about their own country’s fate, let Your shelter be our refuge. God protect Ukraine with Your mighty hand. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Ukraine in Time of Invasion

Heavenly Father, in this urgent hour of need, we implore Your divine intervention against the Russian aggression plaguing Ukraine. Hear our desperate pleas for peace, let Your holy spirit stir world leaders into decisive action and shield all lives caught in the danger of war. Obliterate fear and replace it with courage especially for vulnerable children living the horror. As nations closely watch earth’s suffering, may our words be transformed into wisdom to halt further violence. Amidst this fervent request Lord, grant Ukraine’s frontiers impenetrable protection. In Your name we pray. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Ukraine War to End

Dear Lord, in Your infinite wisdom and unwavering love, we beseech You. Hear our urgent, sorrowful plea for Ukraine amidst the heartbreaking war that burdens it. Tragic violent acts split its landscape and tear its families apart. Console their distressed hearts, dear Lord. Christ, grant us the strength to uphold the truth unyieldingly against this conflict. We join together in prayer, brothers and sisters across the globe seeking your divine intervention. Guide the world’s vision towards Ukraine’s crisis. Encourage peace to overtake combat’s relentless roar till our cries morph into songs of triumphant harmony for every tormented soul in jeopardy there tonight. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Peace in Ukraine and Russia

Our hearts cry out, O Lord, amidst the tumult and destruction that engulfs Ukraine and Russia. The world watches in despair as lives are shattered by the relentless wheel of conflict. We entreat You to bestow Your divine power to halt this tide of death; bring peace where evil seeks to sow discord. Impart wisdom upon the leaders of these nations, Lord, so they may protect their people from further harm. Nurture hope in every heart, that we may see an end to this turmoil. In Your infinite love and mercy, implore us all to foster unity instead of division. In faith and humility we pray for peace, for Ukraine, Russia, and our entire global family. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer of the Faithful for Ukraine and Russia

In Jesus’ name, we raise our voices together for Ukraine and Russia. Called by You, the Son of Heaven, we watch anxiously in troubled times, seeking Your mercy and justice for these countries. Empower them to walk in goodness and peace as they’re reminded of Your ministry. Unify their hearts under Your watchful care. In the comfort of your love, may hope prevail. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Consecration Prayer for Ukraine and Russia

O Father, in Your infinite grace, we bring before You the people of Ukraine and Russia. With resolute hearts, we join in prayer for their safety and peace. Pour out Your Spirit on this house of nations, enkindle faith where fear has choked hope. Set a rampart around their cities; into Your almighty hands, we entrust the lives that reside therein. Illuminate their leaders with wisdom to guide the path to reconciliation and unity. Strengthen our commitment to intercede until tranquility reigns on their soil. Protection be upon them through for they dwell under the shadow of Your wings. Father, hear us as we press on devotedly in this sacred act of consecration to pray without ceasing for Ukraine and Russia. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Ukraine at Christmas

As we celebrate this joyful Christmas season, we lift our hearts and voices on behalf of the brave children within Ukraine’s borders. We pray You imbue them with peace and fill their souls with overwhelming love and joy. Guide the Ukrainian people, O Lord, in their fight for freedom, resilience echoing across their land. May the king’s heart resonate with world vision as we ask only what is needed for Ukraine – peace amongst nations. Embrace the people of Ukraine in Your loving arms, hear their prayers, let love lead their path. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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