Prayer for Toothache
Plead to the Almighty to stop the decay and heal your toothache. Find restoration of your perfect smile and freedom from devil-spawned pains.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer for Severe Toothache
O patron Saint Apollonia, I cry out to you today in need of your powerful mercy. My toothache has become so painful that it has sapped away my strength, leaving me unable even to move. All these agonizing aches seem unbearable and threaten my health. With Jesus’s name, I ask for your assistance to heal the source of this agony and restore the pain threshold in my mouth to perfect order. Hear my plea, O Saint Apollonia, and bring divine healing back into my body – a complete restoration so that all devil-spawned pains will leave! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Toothache to St. Apollonia
O gracious St. Apollonia, I turn to you with faith and devotion for strength in this difficult time of toothache. You endured pain and suffering with an unwavering allegiance to God; be my mighty healer now as I seek your restoration through this affliction. You are the Mighty Healer who can rebuke cavities, heal teeth, stop decay and restore perfect smiles – have mercy on me, that my mouth and jaw may be healed in His name. Through your intercession and divine power, may I find comfort from the ache within these bones so that I may stand strong in your holy words of faith. Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Healing of the Teeth and Gums
O Heavenly Father, by Your divine grace, I humbly pray for the healing of my teeth and gums. May You restore them to their natural state of health and strength. Guide me in the path of good oral hygiene so that I may take care of my mouth, teeth, and gums as You have taught us.
Let your miracle show up in my life through miraculous healings from every dental ailment – from toothaches, cavities, and gum disease to any other anomalies related to the teeth or gums. Grant me a strong set of healthy teeth so I can be happy and serve You with enthusiasm throughout this lifetime. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Dental Surgery
O Father of Miracles, on my knees, I seek Thy help. Grant me restorative mercy as I undergo dental surgery to fix these cavities. Bestow upon the skillful dentists the wisdom to guide their hands in performing root canals and other procedures securely. Give me courage throughout this journey so my tongue will not speak anything unbecoming. Hold us both—my dentists and me—in Your doctoring embrace Lord! Amen!

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Tooth Extraction
O Gracious and Most Merciful God, I come to You today in need of Your blessing and mercy. Please hear my prayer for tooth extraction. The pain is unbearable, and the broken teeth are taking their toll on me. The bad breath and the fear of even more teeth being pulled leave me feeling helpless and discouraged. But I put my faith in You, Almighty One, knowing that this too shall pass. Please ease my suffering Lord as I seek solace from You during this trying time. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now
Prayer for Wisdom Teeth Removal
O Heavenly Father, I come to thee in desperate need of your grace and mercy. Please look after me when this wisdom teeth removal is taking place. Give my dentist insight and the skill necessary to determine what must be done for my jaw health, teeth healing, and complete restoration. Help any toothache or chronic dry mouth become relieved for good. If it is thy will to allow me even just a peek at a perfect smile – then let it be so! I pray Saint Apollonia may give me spiritual strength throughout this process so that all pain becomes healed quickly – O blessed virgin Mary grant us intervention with thy divine intercession – fix any problems present with fervent faith that no devilish beasties remain denting our joy! Amen.

By: Editorial Team
Your Prayer Now