Prayer for Mania
Find peace within the storm of mania. Discover calming prayers, express gratitude & seek divine guidance for therapeutic healing. Enjoy faith-infused tranquility today.

By: Editorial Team
Prayer for Calm in Mania
Gracious God, amidst this raging tempest of mania, I cry out to You. My thoughts whirl like a cyclone; desperate and undone, I surrender control. Adopting the fragility of the Psalmist, I echo his plea: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). O Lord, unfold Your tranquility within me; blanket my being with calm. Amidst chaos, whisper Your words of comfort into my roiling mind. Transform this turbulence into serene waters by Your might alone. In tumultuous uncertainty lies my surety – it rests in You alone. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Prayer for Understanding During Mania
Benevolent Savior, amidst the tempest of my turbulent mind, I humbly seek Your divine understanding. Drowning in a sea of heightened emotions and seismic thoughts, serve me as an anchor, securing this tormented vessel amidst raging waters. Embrace not only me but also those around me with understanding during these manic episodes that cloud my judgment and distort my reality. Help them discern this frame of fervor, realizing it’s not guided by will but rather an uncontrolled surge of the unseen chaos within. May acceptance envelop us all in its warm embrace during periods when peace eludes us. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Gratitude Expression Prayer Amid Mania
Almighty Sovereign, in Your emanating light we stand, finding solace amidst the storms of mania. As Proverbs 3:5 instructs, ‘Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding’, we offer gratitude for the illuminating introspection it brings while hoping against its precipitous fall into darkness. In our manic moments and beyond, may we continually find favor in counting our blessings over dwelling on despair. We humbly accept Your divine wisdom and calmly strive to radiate hopeful praise under any circumstance. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Therapeutic Guidance Prayer for Mania
Everlasting Comforter, in the throes of mania, guide my restless heart. Strengthen resolve amidst racing thoughts; bolster hope when judgement clouds in chaos. Using therapy as a lighthouse, inspire faith-driven motivation to navigate these tumultuous waves and reach the respite of stable shores. Ensconce me with Your unending love, King of Mercy. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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Healing Prayer After Manic Episode
Oh Divine Healer, Thou who whispered wisdom into Solomon’s breath— “The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit” (Proverbs 15:4). In the aftermath of my manic tempest, guide me back to tranquility’s shore. Restore my soul, God, cleanse this fractured psyche of mine and unveil Your light once more within me.
My spirit yearns for uninterrupted calm from my stormy mind; for still waters in place of tumultuous whirlwinds. In Your unmatched power, envelop me with peaceful strength and lingering clarity.
As I tread through the valley low, may my path align with Thy perpetual love and restore wholeness upon me. For You alone can mend the fissures within my soul; bring transformation in places I cannot reach.
Dearest Savior, tune my heart to your healing rhythm; cast away the echoes of distress with Your restorative whispers. Amen.

By: Editorial Team
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