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Prayer for Double Mastectomy Surgery

Coping with a double mastectomy? Offer Alignment and hope through prayer. Learn prayers to seek supernal Healing, powerful Serenity, and resolute Strength.




Prayer for Surgery Strength- Double Mastectomy

Mighty and merciful Father, as I stand on the brink of this double mastectomy, I commit my fears and anxieties to Your loving arms. Embolden me with Isaiah’s words, “Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God.” (Isaiah 41:10) Like a steadfast lighthouse amidst stormy seas, guide the surgeon’s hands through the haven of hope You have created within me. Embrace me tightly with Your sheltering grace, allowing courage to overshadow trepidation. Yahweh Rapha – God who heals – let Your name be my fortress as You turn my battles into victories. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for the Success of Double Mastectomy Surgery

Sweet mendicant of mercy, Father, we stand before You today, hearts heavy with the burden of illness. Hear this earnest petition for a loved one as she dares the crucible of double mastectomy surgery. Veil her in your divine protection, Lord; guide her surgeon’s hand through safe passages. Let recovery bloom like spring after winter’s onslaught – a testament to life’s tenacity and Your infinite grace. In this hallowed union of hope and humble supplication, we trustfully place this plea at Your loving feet. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Healing and Recovery From Double Mastectomy Surgery

Lord of mercy, my body is tender from this double mastectomy. Marshall Your divine power and let the richness of Your love accelerate my healing and restoration. As I navigate this sea change, grant me resilience, fill me with hope, and clothe me in courage. In Your hands, I entrust my recovery, believing that every sunrise heralds brighter days ahead. Through Jesus Christ’s holy name I pray. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Emotional Strength Following Double Mastectomy

Father, as You counsel in Proverbs 18:10, let our loved one find strength within Your name; her refuge and impervious fortress amid this storm. Guided by Your hand, may she navigate through the tumultuous waves of uncertainty with grace and courage. Illuminate her soul’s shadowed corners; spark a flame that flickers resilience, quells fear and stokes emotional fortitude. Holy comforter, wrap her in an embrace of ceaseless love and serenity. Upon YourName we lean, surrendering to Your divine wisdom – a beacon in darkness. Amen.

By: Editorial Team

Your Prayer Now

Prayer for Peace and Acceptance Following Double Mastectomy Surgery

Gracious Father, amid waves of change, be my anchor. Uphold me in the journey of body reconstruction after my double mastectomy surgery. Pour Your divine balm over my spirit, soothing wounds unseen and fostering peaceful acceptance. With You, I find strength; in You, I seek refuge. Instill serenity within every cell of my being, illuminating the path to complete healing. Let the rhythm of Your love resonate in every beat of my courageous heart. In Jesus’ name and trust I pray, Amen.

By: Editorial Team

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